I can't help feeling that you're making a few sweeping cultural generalisations here. I'm British - I've only had three different jobs - all in the public sector, non- profit making. From talking to friends and family there are huge variations in how things are done in different workplaces- just as I imagine there'd be huge variations in businesses in the States.
I am in agreement with Peedal and HME; you can't generalize conditions at one job and say "This is how British people do it."
On a more general note, it is annoying when someone encounters a situation with which they are not familiar, and then they post about the difference between the "British way" and the "American way." Just because you come from America and are used to doing something one way, that way is not the "American way." It is the way
you are used to doing things. If you were to travel from one end of the US to the other, you would not find every American doing things the same way you do them. By the same token, if someone who happens to be British does something a certain way, it's not the "British way." It's the way
that person happens to do things.
If you, an American, do something one way, and you find a British person doing something another way, it's not because you are American and he is British. It's because you are different people.
I don't think of my fiance as British, with a British personality, whatever that is. I think of him as a person, with a unique personality that makes him, him.
Mrs. Green, regina said the British "seem to make things difficult for themselves," which to me is a criticism of the "British way" of doing things. (Sorry, that was the 3rd sentence of her post. My mistake.)
Now getting back to the job situation, speaking from a management perspective, it seems to me that it probably isn't a case of management being set in their ways, but people observing regina and believing that she could be more efficient if she did things a different way. At a job, your goal should not be to just "meet deadlines." Your goal is be as efficient
as possible. If you have a 3PM deadline and you finish the job at 2:55, that does not necessarily mean you are being as efficient as you could be.
This does not mean that regina's supervisor is right; it's possible that regina's method is the most efficient for her. However, it is up to regina to prove that her way is better. She could do that by submitting regular logs of all the projects she is working on, or has completed, having regular meetings with a supervisor to review how much she is accomplishing, etc.