I'm soon to get my UK citizenship after six years in the UK, and I'm now turning my attention more to my finances. I've reviewed old threads here and seen several recommendations for Tanager for financial advice, but not sure if I'll need advice from other specialists (e.g. tax advisor). The thing is I don't have a lot of £ to be wasting on a financial advisor/tax specialist. I just want to make sure I'm making wise investment choices so I can retire one day, and as I don't know if I'll stay permanently in the UK or go back to the US I need to plan in a way that will allow for both options. I'm also saving up to get a house and am navigating that whole minefield. As I do all of these things, I'm trying to stay straight with the IRS and HMRC. I've been filing myself and so far things have been fine, but I'm always afraid I'm doing something wrong. I think I posted before years back about my woes with Vanguard, who won't let me transition my legacy (mutual fund) account to a brokerage account, and this has really limited how I can invest my money in the US.
Anyhow, can I get more of an idea of the best approach for my situation and an idea of the costs to hire a specialist advisor? I know everyone's situation is different, but in emailing some financial advisors I got one quote of £2000 and that just seems insanely high. I'd be pretty happy with an advisor just steering me in the right direction for investments, and then maybe separately a tax advisor helping file US taxes if they were reasonable. So far FBAR and Self Assessments are straightforward so I don't see myself paying for that service.