(This was the closest thread to my question, and I think is relevant to anyone getting, or accessing an SSA account).
A while back, I was forced to change my login to login.gov (for some reason I can't remember, I was unable to use id.me). As part of setting up login.gov, I was provided with a set of 10 single-use codes to use as part of the two-step login.gov process.
I am now down to my last single-use code, and can't figure out how I would obtain another set of 10. I don't want to "waste" the last one, in case I need it to access my SSA account to request another set (in which case, I could end up in a Catch-22 situation if I have no more single-use codes left).
Does anyone know whether this is "automatic"? Will ssa.gov recognise that I have used up my 10 single-use codes and send me a set of replacements? I've serached online, and also looked at the original email transferring me to login.gov, and can find no clues.