Thanks everyone! Sorry about putting it in the wrong area, it never occurred to me to put it in here!
I usually leave the phone to ring, but once in a while I'll pick it up. The last two times I've had a "You've got a new message, Press One, to hear it." ARGH, I pressed one thinking it was our voicemail but then hung up directly when it went to music! New fangled phone, had no idea, hope it was nothing. And then another was about how I'd won something, BLAH BLAH, hung up on that one as well. So I was getting a little paranoid that EVERY call not from the husband would be some phone scam.
Thanks for clearing up most of the worries. The DH put together a list of number prefixes that helps a lot when I need to dial somewhere like free phone, national rate, etc... now we just need caller ID. I don't know how I lived without that for so long, but having had it in the US for a couple of years, I feel really blind without it!