tiny fridges and even tinier freezers. i gather most brits don't eat leftovers? what, no 'leftover day' meals?
btw, i'm with you guys on the 'sell by' date. if it looks good, smells fresh, i'm ok. like the bread that supposedly lasts for 2 days. i'm not going to the store every 2 days for bread! but then again, no room in the freezer.
tiny garages. when we put the car in the garage you can only open the doors on one side of the car. if we hold our breath we can maybe wiggle out on both sides.
birthday cakes are also fruitcakes. i had a tough time eating a birthday cake since i don't like fruitcake. i have betty crocker hoarded for birthdays.
brit chocolate/candy addiction. a box of sees candies last 30 min over here. at home, it lasts at least a week.
the beef doesn't taste the same.
you really do have to carry an umbrella everywhere.
vindaloo curry can be harmful to your system (and no kaopectate here, either!)
most family meals are served on one plate. i put out bowls for people to help themselves and people think i've created a buffet. but of course, no one eats leftovers (except me, and the dog. oh, joy.)
how hard it is to find an nhs doctor and dentist to put you on their register. i see my own doctor for check-ups when i go home for a visit.
i'm sure there's more!