Ah, yes...Rick Steves...
"Other people stay in hotels, but I like to build a lean-to against an abandoned building for the night to really get some local flavor. Take a big chunk of cheese with you wherever you go so you won't have to actually eat in a restaurant ever! Also, you can carry your own tea bag with you and it's reusable-just collect water from storm drains and heat it over a fire made from litter-you're having a nice cuppa and keeping the city clean!"
Lol...sounds more the The Rough Guides than Rick.
Honestly in their defense though, they go above and beyond what they need to. They sent us two extra backpacks and Eurail passes when ours were stuck in the Macon post office during some horrific flooding in 1994.
For nine years I have been using those guides and website. Without them I would have missed wonderful places like Avebury and Wells and also would have missed staying at the wonderful Bed and Breakfast in Bath.
I would have missed the typical Basque bar nestled in a plaza in Spain and the perfect little pub off of Trafalgar Square. I would have missed sitting Italian style in a friendly local pizza place and figuring out how to order food in Budapest (because we were off the beaten path so much that they had no English tourist menus).
I would have missed sharing my baguette with two Jewish Italian death camp survivors or trading stories in four different languages with students in Germany while riding the train.
Often times you can travel the world, spend lots of money and miss the true beauty of its people. I think that is what the "Europe Through the Back Door" philosophy is about. It is about not being the typical tourist or the ugly American. It is about learning about the people and going to places they would go.
In all fairness to Rick and his on the cheap philosophy, he does have some more upper scale splurges, but he gives you a choice.
If you want the Ritz go to the Ritz (I do sometimes..especially during French Black Truffle season) but it's not cheap or even average priced and you really do miss a lot staying at a large hotel chain and being ferried about on a bus tour like a load of cattle. To each his own though.
Sorry....bit long winded here...but Rick's my man.
Now excuse me while I go get my panties out of the bunch they are in!