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Topic: Can you find Teacup Chihuahua's (Dog ) in The UK ?  (Read 1477 times)

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Can you find Teacup Chihuahua's (Dog ) in The UK ?
« on: February 22, 2005, 02:38:54 PM »
This is probably a common sense question but i am going to  post it anyway..Ive always dreamed of having a TEA CUP (minature) Chihuahua and tossed the idea of picking one up from SF and bringing it here but the 6 months quaranteen and the transport cost would probably offset any real savings from having to buy one in UK ....atleast this is my assumption.

Besides Loot/Craiglist/Gumtree, does anyone know where to find and how much one should expect to pay for a tea cup Chihuahua ?

Does anyone on this forum have one ?

I am not yet ready to buy but exploring the possibility...

PS  i have seen a couple Chih's around  high street but they had always been the long legged, long haired type that i really dont care for.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2005, 02:47:21 PM by zufan »

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Re: Can you find Tea Cup Chihuahua's (Dog ) in The UK ?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2005, 02:48:56 PM »
You don't have to do a 6 month quarantine now. See the threads on the PETS scheme on this board.

Try here:

I didn't see teacup dogs there, but they might know where you could find out about them.

Vnicepeeps has a chihuahua but I don't think it's a miniature one.
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Re2: Can you find Teacup Chihuahua's (Dog ) in The UK ?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2005, 02:54:40 PM »

I did check the site and it suggests to try Vets office's as there might be some Chihuahua's up for adoption..i was hoping to perhaps purchase an infant one...the site you suggested does not sell the dogs..but i will email them and see what they say.

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Re: Can you find Teacup Chihuahua's (Dog ) in The UK ?
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2005, 05:07:49 PM »
BRITISH CHIHUAHUA CLUB. Sec. Mrs C Towler. Tel No: 01322 351961
CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF SCOTLAND. Sec. Mr G Baxter Tel No 01383 724368
CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF WALES. Sec. Dr Curr. Tel No: 020 8743 4073
MIDLAND CHIHUAHUA CLUB. Sec. Mr D Smith. Tel No: 01902 831679
NORTHERN COUNTIES CHIHUAHUA CLUB. Sec. Mrs C A Barlow. Tel No: 01524 752621
SMOOTHCOAT CHIHUAHUA CLUB. Sec. Mrs Grant. Tel No: 0121 782 4273
ULSTER CHIHUAHUA CLUB. Sec. Mrs E Jenkins. Tel No: 01574 275139
WEST COUNTRY CHIHUAHUA CLUB. Sec. Mrs M Greening. Tel No: 01249 783522

Here are some numbers to call, the breed clubs are the best place to start the search, but I would warn you you may not be treated with much respect when you ask for a "teacup"....offically there is no such thing, either here or in the US from reputable breeders. The term is mostly derived from puppy farmers/mills who have simply found a new marketing term that gullible members of the public are happy to fall for in terms of paying above the odds for what is already a toy breed.

I would also advise that you get an English person to call for you - perhaps your husband? It's well known over here in dog circles that an American accent will add at least 10% to the price.

Also, be sure to ask about conditions such as PRA/Luxating Patella's and all those health problems Chi's are "prone" to. A good breeder will expect to be questioned rigorously.
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Re: Can you find Teacup Chihuahua's (Dog ) in The UK ?
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2005, 05:33:45 PM »

thanks for that detailed piece and advice New-Dawn..

Will  contact the folks on your list and post you a follow up.

warm regards

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Re: Can you find Teacup Chihuahua's (Dog ) in The UK ?
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2005, 09:04:19 PM »
Hi Zu- I didn't realise this was you :D  You're very welcome, just drop me a line if you need any other help- dogs are my *other* speciality ;)

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Re: Can you find Teacup Chihuahua's (Dog ) in The UK ?
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2005, 06:08:47 PM »

THANKS Sheril!
Will keep you posted :))
In the midst of setting up our new flat right now but should have all the boxes sorted out by tommorow.

Speak soon

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