Thanks so much for bringing up this issue! It is something I have been worrying about for our projected move in April. As if there isn't enough other stuff to worry about! It is really good to hear everyones perspectives.
I feel that my concern for what others think of me is, almost without exception, a projection of my own insecurities. So changing the world is really changing my own way of thinking. I tend somehow to overvalue the negative reactions I perceive in the world and undervalue the positive I receive at home from my loved ones and friends.
Having said that, there are incidents like the one described of the little girl and mother. It helps to think about how to handle that kind of thing ahead of time. When something similar happened to me (in the states) I said (to the child) Yes, I am fat, and isn'it wonderful how different people are? Different colors, ages, heights, and all? I have also responded, depending on the innocence or maliciousness of the comment, that my mother taught me that it was rude to make comments on people's appearance. I find it helps to say something rather than fume and feel powerless.
Again thanks for bringing the subject up!