The advisor talked to the caseworker, and we're doing what we can, but it's not looking very good. I tried to contact my prospective employer, but they left the office at lunch. So there's nothing I can do today. I'm scrambling to think about a future for myself, and I think I've come up with an acceptable alternative to moving to the UK. I'm a massage therapist, and I can't do that for the rest of my life. The money's not good enough, and I'd physically wear myself out eventually. So, doing a lot of thinking (and not sleeping), I've decided that I want to go for a degree in Physical Therapy. Not only is it a field I'm familiar with, it's a very in-demand field (on the skills shortage list of UK), and pays pretty darn well. So, yeah. If there's nothing I can do about this application rejection, that's my future. Years and years of more school. And I'm actually kind of stoked about it!