Right. DH and I have a week off starting 7 May. We want sunshine - not HOT, but WARM - like maybe 20-25ish. We were going to Portugal but that plan fell through, so now we're back to square one. We want relatively cheap and we want all-inclusive. All we really want is to rest and get warm - this isn't really a "take in a ton of culture" sort of trip. BUT we DON'T want to be surrounded by chippies, so please no one suggest the Canary Islands.
So far we've thrown a few ideas back and forth and here are some of them:
- Egypt (I'm less keane on this one than dh - I don't want to go anywhere that makes me even vaguely nervous or where I could be sold for a camel
- Crete (possilby the forerunner right now - cheap and easy.)
- Croatia (I'm very interested in this one, but dh isn't so sure that it's been a destination spot for long enough - he wants creature comforts at least to an extent.)
-Morraco (maybe too third-worldy for DH)
Any other ideas? I fear Italy wouldn't be warm enough - we went last year in late March and it was FREEZING. We don't really want to spend a ton of time flying, so the Bahamas, Jamaica, etc. are out.