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Topic: Just the most basic info., please!  (Read 1565 times)

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Just the most basic info., please!
« on: March 21, 2005, 11:41:29 AM »
OK, I guess I can't put the tax thing off any longer as I need to start my student loan apps for next year. So I've looked at the IRS site but I'm definitely still confused. I DO NOT have a good head for all of this.

My info.: Lived in the UK ALL this past tax year. So no US income whatsoever. Worked in the UK, but made diddly-squat (nowhere near whatever that figure is that dictates if you still pay US taxes.) Have NOT paid off any student loans yet, so no interest issues or anything. I also got married last year.

My question: What do I have to file? Do I file anything at all over here (UK)? I printed out: a form 2555, 2555-EZ, and 1040. What do I use? Do I use my married name since I changed my name on my social security card? Do I note somewhere that it's a new name?

Blah. I'm trying to avoid calling my old tax guy in California as I really can't afford to pay him (I used to pay him out of the return he always managed to get for me....) but I'm just not good at stuff like this!  :-[

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Re: Just the most basic info., please!
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2005, 11:10:52 AM »
You shouldn't have to file UK taxes, generally only higher tax rate-type folks or those self-employed or having weird tax situations need to file.   Anybody can file but unless there's some notion that you must owe or you deserve a refund (which shouldn't be for your situation) then it's not necessary to do so.

In regards to US taxes, IRS says don't have to file if you haven't earned $4,850 in the year according to this IRS link:

If you do need to file then there are forms for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion which allows you to exclude all of the income you've earned in the UK from your US tax return up to $80,000.  As you've not starting paying off student loans and don't seem to have any other additional tax circumstances then it should be pretty straightforward beyond that.  I'm not sure, but I think you can't file the 1040EZ form because of the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion but someone might be able to correct me on that.

I use Turbo Tax myself because it does everything for me, I just have to answer their questions and then they build the form.  One annoying thing I found is that the US Gov't won't let you file electronically if you are filing from overseas.  I hope they change that soon.

I haven't done my taxes yet, I need to get onto Turbo Tax!  Good luck, if you need any help I can try to lend a hand.

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Re: Just the most basic info., please!
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2005, 11:23:38 AM »
Anne, I'm almost positive you don't have to file federal taxes in the US as you were not working there nor have you earned enough here to pay US Federal tax. The question is, have you earned enough here to have to pay US State tax. The thing is, there's that $80,000 (I think) earnings mark but that's only for the Feds. Each state has it's own policy about US citizens paying tax on income earned abroad. Some have no income tax at all (such as Florida) but most of them expect some sort of percentage. You might try emailing Helen who moderates this board. I understand that emailing her is the fastest way to get a response but as it's getting towards April 15, I expect she's VERY busy.

No idea about the name change, etc.... sorry I can't be of more help!
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Re: Just the most basic info., please!
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2005, 11:52:01 AM »
No need to file if you've earned under $4850 (the rate is $1.83 to the pound for 2004).  If you've earned more than that, you must file (you probably won't pay anything, but you have to file).  I know that you can't use 1040EZ and I *think* you'll need to use 1040 and the foreign income forms (dunno the numbers off the top of my head). 

Balmerhon is right -- you need to determine whether or not your state is a domicile state.  If it is, you have to file state income taxes as well as federal.

File under the name on your social security card -- the IRS knows you by your SSN and the name associated with it.

To file separately, just write in "non-resident alien" where it asks for your DH's SSN.  If you want to file jointly, you'll need to get an ITIN for your DH (form w-7), but you'll need to declare his income as well and I think you'll be locked into applying jointly for the forseeable future.

Re: Just the most basic info., please!
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2005, 02:35:47 PM »
Right. Thanks so much, guys! I actually think with the exchange rate that I did gross a bit more than $4850 (stupid exchange rate.) So I guess I'll fill out a 1040 and a foreign income thingy.

Ugh, I so hope Calif. isn't a "domicile state" - guess that's the next thing I've got to figure out.


Re: Just the most basic info., please!
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2005, 02:42:32 PM »
OK, so according to the California tax site FAQ page:

I did not live in California. Do I have to file a return? 
You are required to file a Nonresident or Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return (Long of Short Form 540NR) with California if you have income from California sources, such as, rental income, income from the sale of property, or partnership income in 2004 and you are:

Single with a total income from all sources of $12,729 or more
Married with joint income from all sources of $25,457 or more. 

So since I have no income sources from the state, I don't have to do ANYTHING? They're not looking for any sort of form or something stating that I don't live there? That seems weird, but I'm happy about it  ;D - forgive me for being so clueless but I've always had a tax guy do all this stuff for me!

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Re: Just the most basic info., please!
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2005, 02:55:47 PM »
Sounds like you don't have to file in CA!   :)

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