I've read thru many of the other posts, regarding spousal visas, and it has answered many of my questions. This site is fantastic and you all are very helpful. I hope you can help me as well. My story is complicated but I will try and explain as best I can.
Here goes..
I am an American citizen and I came over in March 2002 to visit my boyfriend and his family. I really enjoyed it here and we clicked immediately. I was sponsored by a company(dealing in home healthcare) for a work permit but the application was turned down. I thought it was best to go home but a few days later I found out I was pregnant. His family didn't want me to go home, being pregnant, and truthfully, I had nowhere to go home to. I called the Home Office and they advised me to put in an application for FLR as a fiancee', which I did immediately.(also letting them know I was pregnant.)
Just to give you a little background, I was also in the process of divorcing my 1st husband.
I received two letters from the HO(July and September 2002) stating that they needed more time deciding my case and meanwhile, I was welcome to stay until then. I didn't claim any benefits or work and in March 2003, my daughter was born.
In July 2003, I received a letter from the HO stating that although they had considered my case outside the immigration rules, since I did not come into the UK with a fiancee' visa, they basically couldn't do anything to help. I was welcome to appeal but the grounds for an appeal were limited since like I said before, I didn't come into the UK with the correct visa.
I contacted a solicitor from the Immigration Advisory Service who told me to send in my appeal and that they would represent me in court. I sent in the appeal but a week later, the solicitor contacted me and told me he could not represent me because basically I had no case. He advised me that once I was divorced, and if I married my British fiance', to return to the US, and get the spousal visa.
I also found out I was pregnant again and to be brief, I gave birth to my son in March 2004 and my divorce came thru in April 2004. (my ex-husband and I split on very bad terms and there was alot to be settled-to explain why the divorce took so long.)
I finally married my British fiance' in July 2004.
I haven't had the money until now to go back to the US. The divorce absolutely drained me and I didn't want to leave the babies while they were so small.
Hindsight is definitely 20/20 in my case. I should have sorted out my divorce before I came over. I should have done alot of things.
I'm going back to the US in May to get my spousal visa.
If anyone is still with me after all this, do you think I have a chance in hell of getting a spousal visa? Is there anything special I need to do or bring along with the necessary forms, etc.? I am so scared. I don't want to be separated from my children or my husband. I have nightmares and I feel like I'm having a breakdown.
Thanks guys so much for listening. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Sorry this is so long by the way.
God Bless,