I can understand that from a visual point of view ... but do you actually like her character? If I were a guy, she would pretty soon get on my nerves, I think
Visually she is pretty close to my ideal (I like dark hair). Personality wise, she is certainly entertaining. I enjoy the leaps of 'logic' when she goes off on one of her monologues, although I suspect they would get to me after a while. In the long run she would wear me out, I just can't keep up with her. Good for a short fling, though.
Actually, the women I tend to date (and marry) are more like Rory - intelligent, bookish, quiet, determined, with some interesting quirks. Unfortunately, she is a little too young to appeal to me (although that has changed in the recent season where her appearance has matured considerably.) I've commented before if only you could combine the two...