The boy made some when he was here with green curry, and he told me what to "whack together." I basicallu uh-huhed on the phone and did it my way which was:
Rough chop chicken, onion, and peppers. Saute with garlic and olive oil. Then I added red curry paste, a can of coconut milk and fresh cilantro. And then I threw in a jalepeno for good luck. It was deee-lish! What's your fave recipe?
Oh, similar! I do the Green Thai Curry. It's our favorite. We do it pretty much the same, except I add basil instead of cilantro, and i usually add quite a bit of sugar. I like my thai curry to be sweet. And a lot more veggies.
I also make a really easy curry using tinned chopped tomatoes. This is more Indian style I guess. Chop/sauttee the chicken, onion, and peppers, then add a can of tinned chopped tomatoes, LOTS of cumin, then some coriander, cayenne, paprika, chili powder, salt and pepper. At the end stir in some natural yogurt and lots of cilantro.
Asda has this really cheap jarred curry sauce - it's like 9p or something stupid. But if I mix it with the chopped tomatoes and lots of cumin, it tastes like I made it from scratch! It's ridiculous.