OK, now can we have the chili recipe that makes men cry. Pretty please.

Ha ha - it's different every time! And I could make it in my sleep.

Saute chopped onions, garlic, fresh chilies, and ground beef mince (1 pound). Add seasonings to taste: chili powder, little bit of cumin, bit of cayenne, sometimes chili flakes, sometimes chipotle chilis if I have them (just pretty much throw in as much of different kinds of hot chilies that you fancy really! and I ain't shy with the chilies - we like it HOT

). Sometimes I add a dash of lime juice to taste. Sometimes cilantro.
Also, I'm not a chili purist - so in goes 2-3 tins of pinto beans (or kidney beans) & a tin of crushed tomatoes. If the tins of beans say they have sugar in them, I let it be. If there isn't any sugar packed with the tinned beans, I usually add a wee bit (1/2 or 1 tsp) of sugar. I let it simmer away until it's reduced & thick. Taste & adjust seasonings (more chilis!!!! ha ha - naah, I usually dump enough of a load of chilis in to begin with, don't usually need to add much, maybe a bit of salt & pepper). We usually have it over rice or jacket potatoes.
Garnish with your choice(s) - sour cream, grated cheese, cilantro.
DH says it gives him a chili-gasm. He feels like lying back & needs to breathe fresh air afterwards, cos he gets all sweaty & flushed from eating it (and his nose all runny) - but that it's a good rush!