I have been in the UK for almost 5 years, and there is very little which I would even begin to try to explain differently from what Paul_1966 has explained.
Thank you, Paul, for taking the time to wrap up this information up into one post.
The only electronics we shipped across was my wife's sewing machine. Anyone who uses a sewing machine knows that each model has its idiosyncrasies.
For this one machine, we purchased a heavy-duty converter that would a) support the voltage and b) the length of time of use.
Guys, if this involves your partner's work, consider very carefully the need to so something similiar before deciding.
We didn't even consider shipping any of the consumer electronics, figuring we would buy a new DVD player, new TV etc. That has been what we have done. Simply put, it is not worth the expense of shipping consumer electionics compared to purchasing new equipment.
Only bother to ship any electronics which cannot be replaced.
Such as the above sewing machine.