Well, one of the deptartments I am in charge of the ordering and display of at work is the tea section. Being that this is a health food shop, we have a great selection of herbal teas for medicinal uses (even though a tea infusion is the weakest way to take a herbal supplement...anywho), and we also have the old standards: English Breakfast, Earl Grey, ect. and, of course, the ever popular (for anti-oxidant reasons) green tea. White tea is becoming more popular now, as it gets more publicity over its even higher antioxidant content than green tea.
As for what I drink personally:
Heath and Heather - Nettle (for detox); straight, no sweetner, no milk.
Eleven O'Clock - Rooibosch (or Redbush); I take it with a heaped teaspoon of Splenda and soya milk or cream. It's more like a regular black tea, but does not contain the tannins that black tea does and retains it's antioxidants even when milk and sweetener is added to it (unlike the green or the white tea...don't ever put milk in those if you want them to be medicinal).
Twinings - Peppermint; straight. Good for digestion troubles (bloating and excess wind) and mild headaches.
Yogi Teas - Indian Chai; a nice warming, spice tea, which I take with Splenda and soya milk or cream, as well. I don't drink it as often as the others, but it does make a nice change from time to time.