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Topic: Any info on unmarried partner process/tips/etc.?  (Read 1023 times)

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Any info on unmarried partner process/tips/etc.?
« on: April 07, 2005, 12:09:09 PM »
Hi, I have read a lot on the site but am finally posting.  I have been w/ my gf nearly 3 years, and we started living together in Aug '03 - we moved to Sydney for the year.  Left last August, traveled for a few months, and arrived here in Oct.  I have been coming in and out of the UK b/c I am only on a tourist visa.  After Aug. I am planning on applying for the unmarried partner visa, as we will have been living together 2 years and a couple over 3.  I have plenty of documented evidence of us together for the entire time...one of my questions concerns proof of living together.  We have both names on the lease from Australia plus plenty of bills, passport stamps, etc., that's no problem.  However, I am also on the lease here, I have a UK banking account, I'm on the Council Tax, Water Bill, etc...I haven't been able to find out the specific legalities of this, as in, will they look at that and question why I have those things on a tourist visa?  I have done everything above the board, and was given the bank account (which I had to submit my passport for) no problem, but does anyone have any advice?  Thanks in advance.  Sam

Re: Any info on unmarried partner process/tips/etc.?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2005, 11:02:35 PM »
will they look at that and question why I have those things on a tourist visa?

No.  It is natural to have those things for a couple in a committed relationship.  Not worth worrying about...

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Re: Any info on unmarried partner process/tips/etc.?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2005, 12:38:51 PM »
Thanks for the responses, definitely makes me feel a bit better...it seems as though the biggest problems people have had were concerning finances, and luckily I still have a bit saved up (got out of tech. before the bubble burst).  I know you can get approved on the spot, but from applying to actually receiving the visa, which is quicker -- would people recommend doing it here or back in the US?  Sorry if this has been answered before, but I couldn't find it searching.  Cheers!

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