Hi guys,
I'm new here but thought I might tell you of a super cheap way to call the USA/Canada/W.Europe for only $19.99 a month. I live in Charleston, SC at the moment and call my family all over Europe with it.
It is a "voice over internet protocol" phone service and works by connecting to your broad band internet connection box thingy. You can then plug your phone into it and make phone calls like normal! My mum and dad who are in Spain have one and I make "local" calls to them! The call quality is great and you can use it in the UK no probs.
You can even pay about $6 a month more for a London number!
Only catch is you need a US billing address, maybe you could use your mother/father/siblings etc address???
Check out:
www.lingo.com [nofollow] I have had it for 7 months and love it! It was so nice to tell bellsouth to screw themselves!
All the best,