Okay, this WAS about public funds.
I was really thinking in terms of less scrutiny, in the same way a gate agent might bump you up to business class if you are dressed well, but don't even think about it in jeans and flip flops.
But I have been looking into teaching in the UK and it floored me that they PAY you to train. I don;t think we have anything like that over here, do we?
What do you guys think about the whole idea of benefits, especially for things like having a child or having depression? They seem to have a safety net for everything, where we only have very limited help, I think.
For the record, I think that America has a very harsh view of it's neighbours, and I like the fact that the UK believes in taking care of each other. I have always believed that I AM my brother's keeper. I like that they walk their talk.
It is just a little out of my mindset to expect the government to owe me a living in any way shape or form.
I don't think that non citizens should be able to get benefits, either. ( I couldn't possibly be elegible anyway.) I respect the UK very much, so much that since my first visit at 15, I have wanted to live there. I have no intention of ever coming back for anything but a visit, and plan on applying for full citizenship asap.