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Topic: how much $$ to bring?  (Read 1881 times)

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how much $$ to bring?
« on: April 13, 2005, 08:14:40 AM »
I'm hoping to move to the UK next year.  I will be staying w/ family for a few months until I get settled in.  I will also be using an Irish Passport. (my mom is from Ireland)

I'm 30 year childless, single female with 2 cats. (not sure about bringing the cats now though)  How much money should I bring?  Other than "as much as possible" any real numbers?  $5000 to little?  That will only change to about 2500 pounds.  When you say it like that, it doesn't seem like much!

I'm sure there are loads of places when I can find a roommate and split the flat.  I don't see me affording a place on my own.  I'm not a professional, no college degree. 

Any help would be great!  Thanks!

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Re: how much $$ to bring?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2005, 08:58:09 AM »
I had a job lined up but wasn't going to be paid until about 2 months after I arrived...and I needed to pay for places to stay, food, etc.  I had about £4000 for that time...didn't use it all (in fact paid my dad back almost half of that).  I would say that $5000, especially if you are living with family for a while, should be fine...as long as you can get a job within a decent period of time.

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Re: how much $$ to bring?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2005, 09:17:52 AM »
i agree, a roomate will be key to split the deposit with!!!  depending on where you live, that can be huge!  :)

that sounds like an OK number to me

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Re: how much $$ to bring?
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2005, 11:25:43 PM »
You don't really have to bring a lot of cash.  You can keep your money in a US bank, then take it out of an ATM in the UK whenever you need it .  All you really need is money for the ride from the airport to home, plus maybe a little bit of spending money for a couple of days. 
Personally, I don't like having wads of loose cash around, but that's just me.

edit: I was assuming that all you have to bring is about $5000. If you've got much more in savings, do a search on topics regarding transferring a large amount of money from the US to the UK.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2005, 11:27:16 PM by sweetpeach »

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