On a travel board that I moderate I am having a (soon to be) heated debate/discussion on Americans getting work visas for the UK. Specifically I've said you cannot get one unless you are:
a) a student or within 6 months of your university graduation through
www.Bunac.org and this visa is only valid for 6 mo.
b) an allowed "repeat offender" to the above organisation
c) married to a UK citizen having gone through all the proper channels
d) highly skilled and have an HSMP
d.1) highly skilled in a job that is in desparate need (i.e. nurses, doctors and teachers with proper qualifications)
e) not highly skilled and get that Hospitality visa (only allowed to work low wage hospitality jobs) -- not sure if this visa is still offered
f) highly skilled and sponsored by a company
g) transfered by your present company
h) can prove you support yourself as an artist/writer/musician etc
i) have dual citizenship with a Commonwealth country and get a WHV (working holiday visa)
j) ancestral ties (parents/grandparents)
k) born in the UK but grew up in US, thus able to get a passport
l) born in any other EU country, thus able to get a passport in said country and work in UK
m) oh yeah: enrolled in university in the UK and thus given a student visa (restrictions on how much you can work)
Basically this kid who has spent a total of one week in the UK has suddenly (and annoyingly) become an expert to immigration and is handing out incorrect and refuses to believe me when I tell him that there are rules in place for a reason however unfair they may seem.
Has anyone found a way to get a visa other than through the proper channels listed out above and on the home office website. I think by saying things like:
But- if this is your dream- I wouldn't focus on things like work visas. Millions of people immigrate and emmigrate every year- they do it. So can you. Don't sweat the details you can't control!
I truly believe he is giving people false hope and belittling the seriousness of relocating to a foreign country; that is isn't just a game and a fun thing to do on a weekend or just because you feel like it.
Am I taking this too personally or perhaps can you help me settle this debate by either backing up or disputing. I am curious to find out if anyone has just "walked in" and emmigrated to the UK from the US.
Many thanks in advance (and also for letting me vent out my frustrations!)