After reading thru all the posts here and searching the internet- I am still unable to find the clarification I need to the proof of residence for myself for my fiancee's visa. I have been travling for the past eight months between Central America, Mexico and the UK, I am headed home to the USA to apply for my fiancee's visa and do not have any bills to my parent's address, I only have bank statments, fiancial statements and a driver's license with their address on it. I do have cell phone bills with the address on it from Oct 2004, but that is the last bill. My question is this, what else would be helpful in proving that my parents has been my home residence - could a letter from them work, or is the bank statements and finaicial stuff ok??? I am headed back on Sunday and will be in LA on the 23rd. I am completely scared, I know it is paranoia, but am having nightmares about not being allowed back in the country ( UK) becasue I have been a bit of a vagabound and living out of a back pack??? Any comfort suggestions will help - Thank you, Lee