so far nobody in the uk mentioned a Taco Bell... *cries* well, that just means if i ever make it there.....and I come home for a visit...i'll be eatting nothing but TacoBell while im home. hah
I worked at Taco Bell for years back home, and always preferred Del Taco. They far exceed Taco Bell in my opinion. Should I explain? Ok, I will. First of all, Taco Bell uses bags of 'dehydrated' beans, for their beans. You just add boiling water, let it sit for a bit, give it a stir, and wa-laaaa! you have refried beans. Now, I remember that Del Taco used to, and I am pretty sure they still do, cook whole pinto beans themselves, in huge stainless steel pots. Taco Bell also uses pre-cooked taco meat, that is just basically boil to reheat in the bag. Del Taco, cooks their own. In fact, all the meat at Taco Bell, chicken, steak, etc. is pre-cooked, and just reheated by boiling in a bag. The rice is fresh, the pico is fresh, but that's about all.