ahhhhh - God I would be going insane, what a total cow. I presume there is no way to appeal either is there ?
They took away the right to appeal a visitor refusal in 1991.
Then, midst howls of outrage and protests - mostly from the Asian community, they created a new class FAMILY VISITOR, and gave that visa the right of appeal.
Everything was quiet for the next 10 years, and then in 2001, the Home Office R&D unit published a very damning report which basically said (albeit between the lines) that non-visa national women (e.g., Americans, Canadians, etc) tend to lie when they enter the UK if they are in a relationship. Which is basically true. And the report essentially said that this was the source of massive abuse.
It's not really realistic to say that every year 1,500 American women came to the UK on a totally innocent holiday and then fell in love and got married to someone they never met before. But that's what those women were saying. Maybe it could be 5 or 6 fell into a whirlwind romance and got married, but *ALL* of them? No way.
The report was also a damning indictment of the IS, which got hammered, and subsequently reorganized underneath the IND.
The next year they changed the rules about in-country switching and it went into effect in April 2003.
A further outcome of the reorganization was that IND sharply limited the authority of the IO. And the IS has been *VERY UNHAPPY* about it. And all the abuse that went on with boyfriends and girlfriends lying to them has got a sore spot.
One interesting limitation IND imposed is the IO's latitude to challenge an entry clearance. It's good to know. That's why I wrote the article that started this thread, right?
Forgot to add:
My own viewpoint is from the advocacy side, which says that boyfriends and girlfriends need the time to form a relationship without having immigration law act as the "Sword of Damocles" hanging over their heads. Otherwise instead of trial relationships, we run the risk of hasty and ill-formed marriages taking place, which is *worse* in society than the problem they are trying to prevent! But there's no hope for that viewpoint any time soon...