Looking for some advice... I'm an American and have an English girlfriend. We've maintained our relationship by flying back and forth for about 2 years. We don't want to rush into marriage just to fix our visa issues; we'd rather let our relationship evolve more naturally. But, I'm starting to run into problems entering the UK on the traditional visitor visa. I haven't been flagged yet (or at least not that I know - no strange entry in my passport), but the grilling at the airport immigration desk gets longer and more intense each time. I have 5 UK visitor entry stamps within the past 2 years.
I'm in the UK visiting her right now for 3 months (until Aug). My problem is that I'd like to come out again in Sept/Oct for another 3 months. I'm terrified of going through airport immigration again, so I'm very intrigued by the entry clearance visa that some of you have recommended bf/gf obtain before travelling (even though it's not technically required for Americans). What's the best way to go about this? Mail in the application? Go in person (I'd go to the L.A. consulate)? Should I bring anything other than the application? (for example, a letter from my girlfriend? Proof of finances? etc.)
Also, I've looked through the application (VAF1, right?), and it makes me nervous because it asks you detail all previous trips, why you wish to go this time, what your itinerary is, and who you know in the UK. Obviously, explaining the relationship will raise some eyebrows. I'm concerned also that I don't have a traditional 'job' to return to in the US. I'm self-employed (I run a website). I don't own any property in the U.S. And to make matters worse, I had a DUI (driving under the influence charge in the U.S. a few years ago... alcohol misdemeanour... do I have to report that as a criminal offence?). I'm afraid of how all that might look on a visitor visa application.
Please, any suggestions or advice?