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Topic: Student Halls v. Bedsit for a "mature" student?  (Read 5313 times)

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Re: Student Halls v. Bedsit for a "mature" student?
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2005, 12:40:15 PM »
Well, after that decision, it seems that the halls are in unsafe areas, according to google!  >:(

I don't know London all that well - I go to uni. in the Bloomsbury area but my dh and I live in the 'burbs. But I would absolutely avoid most of Hackney and Tooting - I've felt very unsettled walking around those two areas even during the day (though Jamie Oliver's restaurant is in Hackney and it's been billed as a very "up and coming" area that'll be gentrified soon - but I wouldn't say it is now! Sorry I can't comment with any authority on the others.

Try using www.upmystreet.co.uk to get crime statistics... it's a supremely helpful website!

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Re: Student Halls v. Bedsit for a "mature" student?
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2005, 04:55:03 PM »
Thank you Anne, that website is proving to very helpful. For anyone else with this dilemma, here is another one I have found:


otterpop, my definition of safe, is as a young woman, would one feel safe walking alone? What are the chances of my being harassed?

I am very quiet and modest, but men in the US like to do the "cat-call" thing to me, and way too many strange men feel they can touch me. I am never afraid of them, but I was born in the city I live in, and I know it well. And this happens in the "posh" neighborhood!  >:(

[anger hijack]

Men of the world who feel this is appropriate - BACK OFF! I'M NOT YOUR DOG!

Ahem, sorry. I just had to assert myself.

[/anger hijack]

Anyway, I don't want to feel scared when I am walking home after dark. I know it is a big city, and I don't expect Utopia - I just don't want to be afraid for my life, or for my wallet, for that matter.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2005, 04:58:06 PM by ...Sprigged... »

Let's take our wigs off in the shopi aisle and fight it out.

Re: Student Halls v. Bedsit for a "mature" student?
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2005, 08:23:39 PM »
My opinion is that in most of those neighbourhoods you posted,  if you were a young, attractive woman walking on your own at night, or even in the daytime... you would be verbally 'harrassed' (if that's what you call it).  Men would make comments, men would walk along side you to 'ask the time' or whatever.   It's meant to be good-natured... just guys chancing their luck or whatever.   Probably much like your current neighbourhood.

I lived in a sh*te area of London (near Hackney, and i worked in E1)  as a middle-aged, not terribly attractive woman, and it happened to me every single day there.    I can only think of 1 or 2 of those times that i was genuinely frightened... most of the time i just either laughed it off, ignored them, or told them to f*ck off, and they left me alone after that.  It's just a game to most of them.

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Re: Student Halls v. Bedsit for a "mature" student?
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2005, 01:59:17 AM »
hello everyone, this is mainly directed at "expat_in_scotland," but anyone else who can help please respond, i am a mature stuent who is coming for my m.a. for a few years at edinburgh. they put me in what i take is a 12 person flat in kincaids court. how is that for mature students, do you know how much partying goes on there, i know it is the largest building housing flats. i am there to have a little fun, but mainly to study.

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