Hmn, difficult one with the heartwormers, I would be tempted to bring it- I am pretty sure veterinary supplies are subject to various restrictions.
I will try to find out from a colleague with endurance horses, but I think it would be a lot harder to get the kind of stuff here that you can get in your farm shop.
Another option here, for regular items, is to ask your vet for a private prescription (you may be charged for it, but it's minimal, last I knew it was about £3-5) and you can then go to an online pharmacy and save money that way. *most* vets will not let you know you can do this, but if asked, there are new guidelines out that they shouldn't reasonably refuse, you are bringing your horses over from Oregon to the UK? (it's weird, one of my far off dreams involves having horses again one day and living in Oregon ~ not that I have been, but it seems to be the kind of place I would be happy!