Hi all, many of you know my husband, David, and I've heard about much goings on here through him.
Anyway, yesterday I was stunned to find that to ask a question about visas you must call a 1-900 number, billed at $2.10 a minute. And from what David told me from what he's read here, the outsourced people answering those phones only knew the rules. What I wanted was an *interpretation* of the rules.
And I found a place to get that--which I thought I would share. I called the UK visa office in London. It's an international call, but for most people that is still considerably cheaper than the 1-900 line. And additionally, I spoke to a very informed British man who answered my questions, checked some items with someone else, and gave me a phone number of another British office to call to confirm his understanding. You can find the contact info for them on this page:
http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1006977150196near the bottom, under "Contact Us" and "By telephone". (This is on the
www.ukvisas.gov.uk under their Contact link).
I was very happy to find this, and I hope it may help someone else.