Hey there,
Tomorrow I am flying non-stop from JFK to Heathrow. I used to be extremely frightened of flying but I'm doing better now. Im more worried about terrorism then crashing.
Anyway, my flight is 7 hours and Id love to sleep thru it but I know Ill be too nervous. Normally on domestic flights, I drink alot and Im fine

Tomorrow I guess I can drink before my flight, but I sure cant drink for 7 hours by myself with no one to talk to (different ball game when Im in the bar....) It would calm me down at the beginning of my flight when Im most nervous~ cant stand take off and the first 30 min. of the flight.
My friend gave me Valerian Root, a natural herb pill that takes away anxiety and helps you sleep. But Ive read on flight websites that its not recommended to take natural herbs as their effects can be changed with altitude. My friend says the pills knock her out for about 6-7 hours and she has really trippy dreams. I dont want to end up seeing the inside of my skull if I take them.
What do you guys recommend? Drinks or the natural herb pills? Thanks!