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Topic: Flying & Natural Herbs  (Read 1826 times)

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Flying & Natural Herbs
« on: September 02, 2003, 11:12:38 PM »
Hey there,

Tomorrow I am flying non-stop from JFK to Heathrow. I used to be extremely frightened of flying but I'm doing better now. Im more worried about terrorism then crashing.

Anyway, my flight is 7 hours and Id love to sleep thru it but I know Ill be too nervous. Normally on domestic flights, I drink alot and Im fine  ;D.

Tomorrow I guess I can drink before my flight, but I sure cant drink for 7 hours by myself with no one to talk to (different ball game when Im in the bar....) It would calm me down at the beginning of my flight when Im most nervous~ cant stand take off and the first 30 min. of the flight.

My friend gave me Valerian Root, a natural herb pill that takes away anxiety and helps you sleep. But Ive read on flight websites that its not recommended to take natural herbs as their effects can be changed with altitude. My friend says the pills knock her out for about 6-7 hours and she has really trippy dreams. I dont want to end up seeing the inside of my skull if I take them.

What do you guys recommend? Drinks or the natural herb pills? Thanks! :-*
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Re: Flying & Natural Herbs
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2003, 11:47:23 PM »
I wish i could find something also i hate flying...really scares me...the last flite i got a nerve pill from my sis..but it wasn't strong enough..i think she gave me a lower dose becz she knew i usually didnt take pills...the next flite i am taking something my doc in america prescribed for stress....and will see how that goes...best of luck on finding something ...
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Re: Flying & Natural Herbs
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2003, 05:16:54 PM »
Decided to go the Valerian Root way. Hope it knocks me out once Im on board and wishing I will sleep through the entire flight and will have to gave someone wake me up and say, "we're here!"

BlondeShania, my aunt took some kind of prescription pill a few years back from CA to China; she slept the whole damn way. Not sure of the name but Ill find out for you. One of my friends took Valium from NY to London; it just mellowed her out a bit but she didnt sleep.

Ive learned a long time ago that the mind is much more powerful then the body... Im hoping that I keep up my strong thoughts and will not be frightened on my flight. Too bad they don't give yoga classes on board; now that would be nice (and interesting!) And a bar wouldnt hurt either... Time would fly for me if I could sit at a bar, have a few drinks and chat with other people.

This is my first int'l flight alone... Im bringing a good book and a ton of music with my discman on board.

Last night I couldnt go to sleep because I was so wired from thinking about everything. I stayed up until 5am just packing and hanging out in my smallish bedroom and thought, "ok, i wouldve gotten on the plane at 9pm and would be in England right now. Its not too bad."

Im trying to talk my dad into taking the train in with me instead of driving. I cant stand driving to JFK; the Belt Parkway is a nightmare. It would be much easier to take a train from central Long Island, get off at Jamaica (Queens) and cab it to JFK in under 20 minutes for about $20 (granted no harsh traffic.)

Waiting for my passport renewal to arrive; should be here by 10.30am.  They've got another two hours before I start flipping...

Cant believe Ill be in England at this time tomorrow... Im seeing my first live English football game (Div. Three) this Friday. Very stoked!
Lived in Cheltenham, England> 2003-2004
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Re: Flying & Natural Herbs
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2003, 06:51:03 PM »
Don't drink!  Drinking on flights and before flights is really bad.  The effects of alcohol are stronger and can even induce psychosis.  So, listen to your Aunt Mindy and don't drink anything but water and juice-caffeine makes your feet swell and makes you puffy.  

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Re: Flying & Natural Herbs
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2003, 09:32:00 PM »
LOL, Ok Aunt Mindy, I promise I wont drink tonight! Im going to take the natural Valerian Root pills instead. Thanks :-*
Lived in Cheltenham, England> 2003-2004
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Re: Flying & Natural Herbs
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2003, 09:33:05 PM »
Oh yeah, but I did get myself a small carton of pure carrot juice from the health food store yesterday. I plan on drinking that before the flight and then my favorite Vitamin Waters!
Lived in Cheltenham, England> 2003-2004
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