The U.K. license indicates whether the pass was for a manual or automatic transmission. If the latter, you're restricted to driving automatics only. On a manual license you can drive either.
Guess over there it would take some geeting used to with the shift being on my other side...what about the pedals? Are they in the same position (clutch on left, brake in middle, gas on right)?
Yes, same positions, so you don't have to re-learn that!
You won't find many foot-applied parking brakes as are fitted to many U.S. cars though, although I believe that Mercedes-Benz uses them on some models.
The centrally located hand lever between the front seats has been the standard parking brake location for many years here. If you go in for classic (1960s or older) cars you might find the brake lever to the right of the driver's seat or under the dash though. One or two of the prestige models (e.g. some Jaguars, if I recall correctly) also retained an underdash hand-operated parking brake until more recently.
Don't expect to find column shift either for either auto or manual transmissions. It was never as common as in the States, and has been totally extinct here for about 35 years. (If you're used to driving models with a floor-shift anyway, that shouldn't be a problem.)
The gear pattern isn't reversed for right-hand drive by the way, i.e. 1st and 2nd are to the left, 3rd and 4th to the right (reverse, as always, could be almost anywhere on floor shift).