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Topic: Advice on Studying  (Read 1895 times)

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Advice on Studying
« on: June 30, 2005, 02:56:53 AM »
Woo! I'm new here but I'd like to tell you my problem. I applied to several schools via Ucas ages and ages ago (aka january) And I got invited for interviews at Plymouth and the Uni of Gloucestershire. Good Right? Right well I went over about a few months back (March) and I go into them both. I accepted my conditional place at Gloucestershire and I now had all my criminal clearence gone thru because I'm applying for Primary Education of 5-11 year olds. So everything would be good...if I had a way to pay for it. You see they have applied to get Fafsa Aid but have yet to be accepted. I was wondering if anyone knew of any other way to get any kind of aid that didn't mean mortgaging my parents house. If not I'm going to have to be an Au-Pair for a year till I can pick a school next year that does take our funding. Drag. Unless I could go thru clearing in some way. I don't know. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!


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Re: Advice on Studying
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2005, 03:05:08 AM »
it took me 4 full months of haggling btwn my uni and the loan co to get all my student aid. You CAN do it. please check out some of the posts about finances with student loans. Talk to Kristi and myself and we can help you through it. Seriously - I wasn't sure i'd get it and I have. I have $18500 - the full masters amount at my disposal for school. It took hard work and constant pestering on both ends - just so you know. Int'l schools are hard for loan companies to deal with so many don't bother - so you become the intermediary.
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Re: Advice on Studying
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2005, 03:11:05 AM »
Man its just so crazy I've practicaly given up. It feels like it would be to late now at this point anyway to get all the visas and everything together. I've even paid my security deposit on my dorm and I don't have my aid.  When I called the school they told me to call back in mid july when they had full time to go over the situation. Their international advisor was overseas until the end of june but they assured me that she knew the severity of the situation and that I couldn't go ot school if they didn't do it. I don't have any grants or anything I was just going on loans.  I'm going back to england to visit my boyfriend up in the midlands in a few weeks and I was thinking about popping down to prove I exsist. Ahh! Stress!

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Re: Advice on Studying
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2005, 03:40:28 AM »
Don't give up. Tlak to your boyfriend - this will reassure you that you don't want to be away from him another year. Call on Friday (July 1st) - get that person's name and their number and email address. Then, apply for aid since you have done the fafsa thing. You have your SAR? Have it handy. Once you do that - get in touch with the loan co and get on them to get a contact with a direct line. You have to have 1 person for each entity so it stays less confusing for all. Then, start logging all of these calls on paper. If someone says they will have something done - check on it! They won't do you any favors. Just ask my brit bf (jmaster911), he had to teach me that one. You can get it done quickly. What held me up was my SAR (student aid report). My school wasn't communicating correctly w/ the Dept of Education (go figure). I threw a fit (politely) over the phone after I wasted a day in NYC at hte consulate b/c they thought a letter saying I have applied for funds would be enough (IT"S NOT!). You have to have funds. My classes don't start til sept. I am going to get my visa within 5 days. You can get this done,but you have to start now and stay on it. Depends how badly you want it.
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Re: Advice on Studying
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2005, 03:45:29 AM »
Well see my problem is I don't have a school code to put in. Thats the only way that I can get the money right? They're in the process of appyling for the school code and haven't heard back yet. I told them to bug them. So I can't apply to get the money till I have the code which puts me in a dilly of a pickle. I think. Am I right?


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