The quarantine rules here are a source of deep anger for me. Yes, the U.K. is supposedly rabies-free, whereas the U.S. isn't. But to have to keep a pet in quarantine for six months is over the top--the U.K. doesn't have that restriction for any E.U. country. And for whatever reason, a U.S. vet's certification that an animal has had its rabies shots (i.e., doesn't HAVE or CARRY rabies) just doesn't matter here. It puts an American pet owner in the worst possible position: put the cat or dog in quarantine for six months, which will no doubt completely freak it out, or leave it behind, just like that. It's even MORE annoying to know that citizens of questionable (as far as veterinary care goes) E.U. countries can bring their pets into the U.K.--no problem. But animals from the seemingly Third World U.S. (the country that sets the standards in both veterinary and human health care) have to be isolated for six months. What bullshit.