Wakey, wakey! Smart Alec are ye? Eh? Well get this doon yer pie-hole clever clogs. Irn Bru 32. Pure mental stimulation in a can."
"I'll shhh you, you tweedy old crow" Coo Coo
That one kills me everytime
In addition they have radio ads as well with the same cuckoo.
1. He tells a group of people in a pub that unless they drank Irn Bru 32 they would "be swimming in the Clyde wi' some concrete boots on."
2. He tells a group that after Irn Bru 32, "you'll feel like taking on the day wi a claw hammer."
3. He threatenens, "You do not want to mess wi this cuckoo ... And I know where yous live by the way."