As I understand it, Britain and Ireland are the only two EU countries which do not charge VAT on food (I think you call it MOMS in Sweden?), although many do apply a reduced rate rather than their standard rate.
Apparently the U.K. insisted on this right from the start of VAT in 1973, and implemented it by a roundabout method.
The VAT rules specify that certain goods and services are exempt from the tax, but this list does not include food. However there was nothing in the rules to say what rate must be applied to taxable items, as this was (and still is) left up to national governments. So all that we did was to set the VAT rate for food at zero percent! The same trick was used to make children's clothes. books, and a few other things tax-free even though the VAT rules say that they are taxable.
Actually, certain foods which are classed as "luxury" items (e.g. chocolate bars) are taxed at the standard rate (17.5%). This has also led to some rather complex arguments on occasions as to whether a certain item is taxable or not.