I haven't decided yet about this one. I lived in Krakow, Poland in 1995 and 1996, and by the time I left, I had come to some opinions on how I might have done things differently, advice I pass on to anyone living elsewhere than their home country. One of the main ones was that it was very important to have a way to "retreat home" if only for an hour. If the language is different, there must be a place where you can speak your own language for a while, escape the constant effort of trying to communicate with the locals. That's not as important here, but it's still a good thing. If the culture is very different, as it was in Poland, it helps to retreat to an enclave of your own culture, McDonalds, for instance, even if you usually would never spend time at a MickeyD's. Another thing is that in managing the day-to-day things like shopping and getting around and getting a job and such, the best thing you can do for yourself is to put a considerable amount of your initial energy into building your people network as quickly as you can. Even if you're tight on money, it's worth it to spend some getting a tea at the same shop at the same time almost every day, and such things as that so that people begin to recognize you. Then you build from that.
This site does a good job of helping out and giving good advice before you get here. And if you come upon a crisis of some sort before you get a chance to build your local network, they'll be there. Maybe it's very useful for Londoners in getting to know the place, but there are just not enough members in other places to be effective. If you're like me, the kind of woman whose interests run more to the arts and politics and philosophical questions, the kind who tends to wind up hanging with the men at parties because you enjoy their conversations more, it's not a great place for discussions, yet. If you're interested in the kinds of things the groups of women at a party are discussing, I guess it works.
We'll see. I'm trying to treat it like that coffee shop for the meanwhile and waiting for another member to turn up in Norwich.