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Topic: So...Harry Spoiler thread!  (Read 15033 times)

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So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« on: July 19, 2005, 05:56:57 PM »
Did you like it?  Best so far or no?

I'm actually not sure how I feel, after a couple of days contemplation.  It felt like a lot of the book was just saving room for the ending.  I'm not happy about Dumbledore being gone.  I understand it-and I'm fairly certain that he had arranged this with Snape ahead of time, or at least discussed the possibility-but it seems to me that Harry needs more information, someone more to guide and help him.  This especially means he has no where to turn, because when he turns 17 he can no longer count on any protection from his aunt's house, and will get none from Dumbledore either.
I was and am thrilled to the bones about Harry and Ginny!  Yay!

But here are my disappointments:
Weren't we supposed to find out a lot more about Lily in this book?  I guess we will in the next one, when Harry goes to Godric's Hollow...but still, I was looking forward to it here.
I'm also disappointed that we didn't hear what Dudley saw/heard when the Dementors attacked him, I thought we would get that in this book as well.

I know there's more, but I wanted to get a thread started!

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Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2005, 07:28:04 PM »
I was a bit dissapointed.  It was slower and skipped ahead to much.  I think Dumbledor is dead and gone, but his picture is still in the headmasters office if he needs advice.  I bet that Dumbledor left him clues and help all over the place.  We've come up with some very interesting theories here (R.A.B anyone), but I'll save those to see what others will say.
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Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2005, 07:30:52 PM »
Oooh, share the theory then!

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Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2005, 07:35:52 PM »
I was a bit dissapointed.  It was slower and skipped ahead to much.  I think Dumbledor is dead and gone, but his picture is still in the headmasters office if he needs advice.  I bet that Dumbledor left him clues and help all over the place.  We've come up with some very interesting theories here (R.A.B anyone), but I'll save those to see what others will say.

No, really- wait-what's the going RAB theory? (Aside from mine?)
(Regulus Black comes to mind- brings the Sirius connection back and he was in the right position to do it. . . )

I liked it- don't know why the first chapter really existed, but that's just me. It was slower, less "teen Harry angst". . . Figured Dumbledore'd get offed, but was sad to see it happen. It will be interesting to see what the other relics were that Voldemort used.
It'll be odd not to have Hogwarts as a backdrop, though.
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Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2005, 08:25:52 PM »
I finished reading it on Sunday afternoon.  I love Harry Potter and just can't let myself put the book down but somehow did get sleep Saturday night.   ;D  I thought it was really good.  Now waiting for DH to finish (he's only on page 15) so I can talk about it.

I think is Regulus Black is RAB.  It's been 2 years since I read Order of the Phoenix but my DD has it on cd and listens to it now and then.  Apparently in Sirius's house, there is a locket that nobody could ever open.  I vaguely remember that.  I need to go back and read it now.  And, what about Mundungus?  Remember Harry caught him with some things from Sirius's house while in Hogsmeade.  So, even though that locket was probably at the Black house, it may have been in some of the things Mundungus stole. 

I also think (hope!) that Snape is still good.  Hagrid had accidently let slip (as usual) to Harry that he overheard an argument between Snape and Dumbledore, something about Snape not wanting to do something anymore.  So, maybe it was a plan all along between the two of them for Snape to kill Dumbledore to make it look to Voldemort that he was faithful to him (Voldemort).  It's also hard to believe that Dumbledore would plead for his life.  So, maybe the pleading was for Snape to kill him, not to spare him.  It was a bit weird, though, that Snape referred to Voldemort as "the Dark Lord" in class when most would say "He Who Must Not Be Named."  :-\\\\

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Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2005, 08:46:55 PM »
We thought Regulus Black as well.  I think there are going to be alot of interesting things in 12 Grimwald place.  I have a feeling that school is going to be canceled in book 7 and they are all going to go off on this grand adventure to kill Voldamort.  I have to read it again, there are so many things I can't explain, I think I just read it to fast the first time. 
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Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2005, 10:40:31 PM »
Soooo glad there are others to talk to about this!! Fiance bought me the book but wants nothing to do with Harry Potter discussion, ha!

I also thought Regelus (sp?) Black immediately.  He is the only one mentioned that I can recall with similar initials.

As far as Snape goes, I'm finding it very hard to think that Dumbledore would plan his own death.  I just don't think Dumbledore would do it knowing that he is the only one Voldemort fears.  I also have trouble believing that he would voluntarily leave Harry without any guidance, unless, like some of you mentioned, he will be leaving clues and talking through his portrait.

What I tend to believe is that Dumbledore knew about Snape's double-crossing, but he did not want to reveal that he knew so that he could keep Snape close.  Why else would he make Snape the Dark Arts teacher after saying the position is cursed?  It was as if he knew Snape would only be around temporarily.  I also think Dumbledore knew Snape would murder him, but realized it was the only way he could protect Harry.  Kind of like Lily protecting him when he was a baby, by putting herself in front of him.  He had to keep Harry thinking Snape was on the right side, otherwise Harry might've gone after Snape himself (especially after learning that Snape was the one who told Voldemort the prophecy to kill his parents), and been killed by him instead.

I don't want to believe that Snape was smart enough to outsmart Dumbledore, and I don't see how he will be able to ever redeem himself if he is in fact good.  I don't see how Snape's life could ever be more valuable than Dumbledore's. 

I was wanting more revealed about Harry's parents too and I love whenever he gets interaction with them in the previous books (through the mirror of Erisid, etc.).  I'll just have to hope JK brings them back in the 7th...I can't wait for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited to say someone else said in another thread that they don't think Harry seems ready...another reason for me to believe that Dumbledore would not voluntarily leave him!
« Last Edit: July 19, 2005, 10:48:57 PM by kllxoxo »

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Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2005, 10:56:33 PM »
Sorry for the double-post, I must seem like an HP freak!  (I am, a bit...)

I just wanted to ask that IF Harry lives through the whole series, and I hope he will, does anything think he might take Dumbledore's place one day as Headmaster?

I was thinking, if they close the school down, and he completes the prophecy and kills Voldemort, maybe he (or Hermione?) will decide to re-open the school at the end?  Does that sound too dumb considering how young they are?  I just think it would be neat if at some point one of them kind of takes Dumbledore's place, knowing how much he loved Hogwart's.

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2005, 12:57:05 AM »
I don't think that Hogwarts will close down entirely.  There is more protection there than probably anywhere else in the wizarding community.  Even though Harry says he will not return I think (and hope) he'll change his mind because I can't bear the thought of no Hogwarts in book 7. 

What if the students decide not to go back, or the parents don't let them return, in which case, Hogwarts could turn into headquarters for the order of the phoenix and definately offer more protection to individual wizards, and we all know that they could all comfortably live there.

Overall it was a great book and I can't wait to go back and reread the whole series to see what clues might have been left unnoticed!

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2005, 09:46:36 AM »
As far as Harry being 'ready', is anyone ever ready to face such a challenge?  Nah.  I think that's the whole point. 

I'm still letting this sink in.  I like to give it a few days. 

Of course Dumbledore had to die.  Harry must to stand alone against Voldemort - that's the way it has to be. 

Whether or not she kills him off in the last book remains to be seen, but if I were poor Harry I might even find death a relief after having experienced so much in 17 years. 

Remember at the end of hte last book, when he saw that arch, and how he thought about going through it, so he could see Sirius again?  And how he went to Nearly Headless Nick, to see if there were some way he could see him again?  That was really touching. 

Maybe she'll do some of sort of Eastern philosophy thing where the hero lays down his life in order to kill the evil enemy. 

On the whole I was not disappointed.  Harry cannot stay a little boy, and people change as they mature. 

I read the 'children's' edition, b/c I feel she is far more subtle in these editions and I like to read between the lines.

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2005, 02:16:22 PM »
Also, Snape had a chance to kill Potter.  He certainly was angry enough to do it, especially when Harry repeatedly called him a coward. 

Instead, he ordered everyone to leave him to Voldemort.  Well, why did he not kidnap Potter and take him to Voldemort right then and there? 

Also, Snape KNEW Potter had hold of his Advanced Potions book after Potter slashed up Malfoy w/that Spectum spell.  Why not confront him w/that? Why not tell Dumbledore? 

Snape's had plenty of opportunities to kidnap Potter and serve him up to Voldemort.  If he knew about Malfoy's secret passage, he could easily have used it to get Potter out of Hogwarts undetected and deliver him to Voldemort. 

He also had chances to be crueler to him in detention, as Dolores Umbridge was.  Instead he just constantly reminds him how much James Potter tormented him (Snape) as a student. 

I've got a feeling he may still be a double agent. 

Everyone who's struck w/the Avada Kedavra curse crumbles up, not flung backwards like Dumbledore. 

Yes, Fawkes left.  But so did Dumbledore.  Where to is anyone's guess. 

My feeling is that Dumbledore has done all he can for Harry.  He cannot protect him anymore - dead or alive.  No one can. 

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2005, 05:37:04 AM »
Well, I just finished it, so I've got all sorts of stuff floating through my head.  I went into this with the suspicion that Dumbledore would die, so it was sort of like a self-fulfilling prophecy when it happened.  :(

I've got a few thoughts regarding things already mentioned:

- Harry returning to Hogwarts.  He's going to have to, as everything pertaining to Dumbledore is there.  The school is an integral part of who Harry is, no matter who the headmaster is, and he will have to spend some time there.

- R.A.B.  Regulus Black is the obvious name that comes to mind, but I wouldn't put it past her for it to be someone we've yet to meet.

- Lily Potter.  I am so ticked off that she's barely even mentioned in this book.  Did she (Rowling) or did she not spend the last year spouting off about how much more there is to know about Lily and when we find out all will make sense?  Or how we still know nothing about James.  Yes, Voldemort's background and history is important, but Harry will have to know more about his parents before this is all over.  Heck, I NEED TO KNOW!!!

- Snape.  There's more than meets the eye going on here.  Whether he's really a Death Eater or truly on the side of good I cannot say, but there is definitely something hinky going on.  Assuming it really is Snape anyway....

- Dumbledore's death.  While it was destined to happen, I agree with everyone else that Harry is still needing guidance.  And help - how's he going to find the last four whatchamacalits (it's late & my brain is dead) on his own?  Even with Ron and Hermione's help?

- Harry and Ginny.  WOO HOO!!!  Been waiting four books for this!

- Did anyone else get a warm fuzzy about Tonks and Lupin?  :)

Okay, my brain is fried.  I'll post more after I've thought about this more.

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2005, 04:19:13 PM »
I think Snape may have made an Unbreakable Vow with Dumbledore to protect Harry - and to demonstrate his loyalty to the 'good' side, just as he made one w/Narcissa Malfoy in front of Bellatrix Lestrange to protect Draco and demonstrate his loyalty to the dark side. 

That's why he can't knock off either one of them.  Now he's stuck between a rock and a very hard place indeed. 

I think there's a point of Harry's not knowing much of his parents.  He lives so much in their shadow, particularly that of his father.  But the books have been a process of his growing into his own person, which is what everyone must do and which is especially important for Harry.

It is telling, however, that Snape pointed out to BOTH Draco and Harry that they are too inexperienced to cast Unforgivable Curses.  Harry, however, is just as capable of powerful dark magic as he is of light - hence, the success of his Spectum curse on Malfoy in the boys' toilet.

No one can protect him once he comes of age - at 17.  That was Dumbledore's entire point.  There's really no way to prepare someone for a challenge like that.  But like it or not, he's 17 in a few months and will need to face Voldemort alone, as he - and everyone else - always knew.  'In this affair, all advice is useless.'

Is Harry a Horcrux himself?  It's possible, hence why his scar always hurts so much when Voldemort's around, but it's not a Death Eater's mark.  It's also possible that finishing Voldemort off will mean Harry's own death as well. 

I find Rowling's very British style of writing so refreshing.  So much more is suggested and inferred rather than being spelled out for you - which is nice b/c it assumes the reader has an imagination and gives him/her a chance to exercise that.

She has completed the 7th book, but no telling when it will be out as she has stated in several interviews that she wishes to spend a little more time w/her kids for a bit - she has a baby who is just about 7 months old.

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2005, 08:54:36 PM »
I think Snape may have made an Unbreakable Vow with Dumbledore to protect Harry - and to demonstrate his loyalty to the 'good' side, just as he made one w/Narcissa Malfoy in front of Bellatrix Lestrange to protect Draco and demonstrate his loyalty to the dark side. 

That's why he can't knock off either one of them.  Now he's stuck between a rock and a very hard place indeed.

Ooo... I like that idea!  It was mentioned at the end that Snape did something specific to make Dumbledore trust him, so that makes sense.  Plus, I think it's fairly clear that Snape is in a no-win situation at this point, so he has little to lose.  I have to admit that I'm enjoying not truly knowing where his loyalties lie.

I think there's a point of Harry's not knowing much of his parents.  He lives so much in their shadow, particularly that of his father.  But the books have been a process of his growing into his own person, which is what everyone must do and which is especially important for Harry.

Yeah, I can see that.  But what about all of us readers who desperately want to know??  It's just mean and unfair!

Is Harry a Horcrux himself?  It's possible, hence why his scar always hurts so much when Voldemort's around, but it's not a Death Eater's mark.  It's also possible that finishing Voldemort off will mean Harry's own death as well.

This is an interesting thought.  As far as the Horcruxes go, I'm having some problems.  All we know is that a wizard needs to kill someone to create one, but that's it.  What happens from that point?  It's very odd of her to leave something that major so vague, don't you think?

Oh, and this occurred to me this morning - - where was Charlie Weasley?  It seemed sort of odd that he wasn't around at all.  And what, exactly, is going on with Percy these days?  I fear much Weasley drama before this all ends, and I don't think it will end happily.

And for all you Star Wars geeks out there... am I the only one who half expected Dumbledore to say "If you strike me down, I shall grow more powerful than you can possibly imagine" before he died? :P

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2005, 10:57:57 PM »
Yeah, I can see that.  But what about all of us readers who desperately want to know??  It's just mean and unfair!

Ah, see, she made her point w/o having to club people over the head w/it:  imagine how 'unfair' it is on Harry, having to cobble together an identity w/such a big piece of his background missing?  And he'll never, ever have that. 

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