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Topic: So...Harry Spoiler thread!  (Read 14924 times)

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Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #60 on: March 24, 2006, 12:11:03 AM »
But Snape is sworn to protect Draco now.  So if Voldy has a go at killing him, won't Snape have to step in? 

K, in the Order of the Phoenix, when Harry has that vision of Arthur Weasley's attack, he sees it from the snake's perspective.  He said he feels he has a snake inside him.  So that leads me to believe that whole theory that he is a horcrux.  And so in Nagini.  Cuz they've already know of 4, and Voldemort, of course, has to keep a piece of his soul to himself.  And it would tie in w/Harry being connected to Godric Gryffindor, too.

Snape was sworn to protect Draco as it pertained to Draco killing Dumbledore.  Once Dumbledore died the Unbreakable Vow should have ended.  Or at least that's what I assumed.

There has to be some sort of physical part of Harry that is a horcrux.  At first I thought he himself was one, but that never sat right.  Now I tend to believe that his scar is the horcrux; created unknowingly by Voldemort when he tried to kill Harry.  Since that scar is such a huge part of who Harry is and what his parents sacrificed so that he would live, it's rather poetic that he should have to lose it to defeat Voldemort, don't you think?  Granted, I don't know how he'll lose the scar, but I think it will absolutely happen.

Doesn't Dumbledore say that he assumes Nagini is a horcrux in Half-Blood Prince?  I can't remember.

I know there is a connection between Harry and Godric Gryffindor, but what is it?  I have a hard time believing he's the heir of Gryffindor - if that's so why would the Sorting Hat try to put him in Slytherin?  I would think that a descendent of GG would automatically be put in his house.  My pet theory (i.e. fantasy) is that Luna Lovegood is the heir of Gryffindor.  Wouldn't that be fabulous?  How I love Luna...

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #61 on: March 24, 2006, 09:36:11 AM »
If that's the case, then IF Snape swore an Unbreakable Vow w/Dumby regarding harming Harry, then all bets are off now Dumbledore's dead.  But that doesn't appear to be how the Vow works, I think it lasts the life of BOTH wizards who swear it, otherwise, Snape would have been able to harm Harry w/a Cruciatus curse at least.  But he doesn't.  He never harms him grieviously, simply blocks all Harry's curses.

Yes, Dumby tells Harry he believes Nagini is a Horcrux in book 6.

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #62 on: March 24, 2006, 02:41:26 PM »
You're right about the Vow lasting the life of both wizards.  I don't think I worded my response well, so let me try again:

The Vow that Snape made was to "...watch over my son Draco as he attempts to fulful the Dark Lord's wishes... and will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm... and, should it prove necesssary... it if seems Draco will fail... will you carry out the deed that the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?"

The vow wasn't to protect Draco indefinitely, it was to protect him while he attempted to take Dumbledore's life.  And Draco failed, so Snape did it himself.  At that point, the vow was complete.  If anything, Narcissa blew it by constraining the vow like that.  I don't think Snape would have agreed to protecting Draco forever - it's a selfless act, which doesn't ring true for Snape in my eyes.

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #63 on: March 24, 2006, 03:54:14 PM »
You're right about the Vow lasting the life of both wizards.  I don't think I worded my response well, so let me try again:

The Vow that Snape made was to "...watch over my son Draco as he attempts to fulful the Dark Lord's wishes... and will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm... and, should it prove necesssary... it if seems Draco will fail... will you carry out the deed that the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?"

The vow wasn't to protect Draco indefinitely, it was to protect him while he attempted to take Dumbledore's life.  And Draco failed, so Snape did it himself.  At that point, the vow was complete.  If anything, Narcissa blew it by constraining the vow like that.  I don't think Snape would have agreed to protecting Draco forever - it's a selfless act, which doesn't ring true for Snape in my eyes.

But what did he do to win Dumbledore's trust? 

Harry sometimes needs a good slap.  Snape's a git, but he was telling him the truth often enough.  I think Snape fancied Lilly, who was kind to him, and this is why he always insults James, but never Lilly.  Still, he's cruel to Harry, even though he is just a child.  I mean, he saw all those awful memories of Harry's. 

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #64 on: March 24, 2006, 08:02:20 PM »
I don't understand all the people who rally for Snape or say he's not bad.  No matter what side he really is on, he's a mean and vindictive person.  Nothing to admire in that.  Honestly, I hope he gets it as bad as Bellatrix.

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #65 on: March 24, 2006, 11:45:32 PM »
I don't understand all the people who rally for Snape or say he's not bad.  No matter what side he really is on, he's a mean and vindictive person.  Nothing to admire in that.  Honestly, I hope he gets it as bad as Bellatrix.

He's awfully cruel to Harry, even when he was just 11.  I mean, he knew he never even knew his parents, you'd think he'd have grown up and sort of moved past that.  Poor Neville, too, he terrorises him as well.  He was just a lad.

BUT, when he teaches him Occlumency - or tries - his harshness serves a purpose, b/c Voldemort would of course treat him even worse.

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #66 on: March 25, 2006, 12:35:05 AM »
BUT, when he teaches him Occlumency - or tries - his harshness serves a purpose, b/c Voldemort would of course treat him even worse.

Don't get me started on the Occlumency lessons.  I wanted to smack Harry upside the head!!

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #67 on: March 25, 2006, 10:39:34 AM »
Don't get me started on the Occlumency lessons.  I wanted to smack Harry upside the head!!

Yeah, he really blew those.  Didn't listen to Lupin who told him it was so important to work hard at them.   

Draco Malfoy appeared to have done better at it than Harry.

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #68 on: March 25, 2006, 11:26:15 AM »
Here's one for ya!  A teacher made this up:

1. At what age do wizards come of age?
2. How many sickles make a galleon?
3. What is the first name of Voldemort’s grandfather?
4. What is Nearly Headless Nick’s full name?
5. What is Professor Lockhart’s favourite colour?
6. Which breed of dragon is Norbert?
7. Which of these sweets is not a Honeydukes product: Sherbet Lemons, Fizzing Whizzbees, or Acid pops?
8. What form does Hermione’s patronus take?
9. How many Horcruxes has Voldemort made?
10. Describe the effects of the spell Rictusempra.
11. Name 5 breeds of dragon.
12. The cry of what, is fatal to a Basilisk?

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #69 on: March 25, 2006, 08:15:13 PM »
Here's one for ya!  A teacher made this up:

1. At what age do wizards come of age?
2. How many sickles make a galleon? 
   it's a wierd number... 23 or something like that
3. What is the first name of Voldemort’s grandfather?
   I can't remember, but Tom keeps coming to mind - wasn't he named after him?
4. What is Nearly Headless Nick’s full name?   
   Sir Nicholas Mimsy de Poppington
5. What is Professor Lockhart’s favourite colour?
   lavender or periwinkle (I think)
6. Which breed of dragon is Norbert?
   Norweigan Ridgeback
7. Which of these sweets is not a Honeydukes product: Sherbet Lemons, Fizzing Whizzbees, or Acid pops?   
   Sherbet Lemon?
8. What form does Hermione’s patronus take? 
   a weasel, or other ferret-y type critter
9. How many Horcruxes has Voldemort made? 
   That we know for sure?  Oy....  the journal, the ring, the pendant/necklace, probably Helga Hufflepuff's cup,
10. Describe the effects of the spell Rictusempra.
   I'm bad at remembering spells - no clue
11. Name 5 breeds of dragon.
   Norwegian Ridgeback, Chinese (?) Horntail, umm.....
12. The cry of what, is fatal to a Basilisk?   
   I remember reading it, but for the life of me I'm not sure.

Wow, I really suck at this.  All the answers up there are off the top of my head.  I had to really hold myself back from meandering over to the Lexicon!

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #70 on: March 25, 2006, 09:34:03 PM »
1. 17
2. 17
3. Marvolo
4. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington
5. Lilac
6. Norwegian Ridgeback
7. Sherbet Lemons
8. An Otter
9. 7
10. The victim doubles over, wheezing
11. Hungarian Horntail, Common Welsh Green, Chinese Fireball, Swedish -Short-Snout and Norwegian Ridgeback are one combination.
12. A cockrel crowing at dawn

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #71 on: March 26, 2006, 02:48:32 AM »
Do I at least get partial points for numbers 4, 5 and 8? ;D

I did look up the answers, and I have to admit I don't remember all those varieties of dragons mentioned in the books.  Were some of them only mentioned in the "Fantastic Beasts" book?

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #72 on: March 26, 2006, 12:14:24 PM »
the dragon breeds were mentioned in 'The Goblet of Fire'.  but all i could remember was hungarian horntail b/c that's what harry had to face.

can you believe alan rickman, the bloke who plays Snape, is SIXTY?!

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Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #73 on: March 26, 2006, 05:38:07 PM »
can you believe alan rickman, the bloke who plays Snape, is SIXTY?!

I wouldn't have guessed!  (Hope I age as well....my kiddos are not shy about pointing out my 'smile lines' around my eyes..... :P)
When I am grown-up I will understand how BEAUTIFUL it feels to administrate my life effectively.

Until then I will continue to TORCH all correspondence that bores me and to dance NAKED over the remnants of its still glowing embers.
    ~The Interesting Thoughts of Edward Monkton

Re: So...Harry Spoiler thread!
« Reply #74 on: March 26, 2006, 06:21:10 PM »
can you believe alan rickman, the bloke who plays Snape, is SIXTY?!

Wow... he doesn't look it at all.

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