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Topic: US food products in the UK  (Read 692 times)

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US food products in the UK
« on: July 22, 2005, 08:48:28 AM »
Hey - I hope this is ok.

My name is Jen and I'm currently in TX with my fiance, David.

We plan on getting married in September, and are saving like crazy. He's come up with the idea of selling US products online, to try and a) help out other US nationals find their favourite foods, and b) save up a little for our wedding.

The other positive is it gives me something to do all day when he is at work!

Basically, we have a website - newcomer link: http://www.statesidestores.com [nonactive] , its not completely running yet, but everything is sold through our ebay store, which we try and keep as reasonably priced as possible.

I was wondering if any of you can help us out by thinking of any products we may have missed. The ebay username is jenheinsohn (its my ebay account!) if anyone wants to go directly there.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions you may have!

Hope you're all enjoying good ol' Blighty - I miss it!

Jen x   ;D

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