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Topic: Adjusted to curries?  (Read 5020 times)

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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2005, 01:16:07 PM »
I'm a midwest girl and I love curries.

The first time I had curry was when hubby took me to his favorite place in Plymouth on our first trip to England, back in '94.

I've been hooked ever since!
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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2005, 01:28:21 PM »
Love, love, love curry!!!  Rich hates them, but he hates most everything!

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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2005, 01:28:31 PM »
Oh I agree that it's a very personal thing, but it just seems that I don't come across very many Michiganders that actually love curry.  This is reflected in the fact that curry take aways are basically unheard of unless you seek them out (not like in England).  If there was a demand in the general population, there would be supply for it.  I've been all over the US and generally don't think curries is popular as it is in the UK.  Unless we're talking NYC, then everything is available.  

And actually, I think tastes are very regional.  For example, Americans LOVE Mexican type food I would say, because there are many chains for Mexican Food.  Unfortunately I didn't see many in England and there are no Taco Bells ( :\\\'() in the UK that I'm aware of.  (point taken, I realize Taco Bell is very far from authentic Mexican)  McDonalds for example offers different options for different regions in the US and throughout the world.  Like in Greece for example, they have pitas in McDonalds.  Just some thoughts :)  I'm way off topic now...
 I'm from Michigan too, and not only can I not stand curries I am HIGHLY Allergic... something I didn't find out about until I went to India... not a good time to discover it... I was in bed sick for the first 4 days.   I am soo Allergic that even the smell makes me feel ill and start to have problems breathing.. ugh
   And I have to agree with Ex-Pat... Taco Bell is rank!!
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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #33 on: July 26, 2005, 01:46:40 PM »
EEEewww!  Am I the only American who found Taco Bell totally rank?  I wouldn't even go there if I were drunk.  I went once, whilst inebriated, at uni.  That was all it took.

Can't say I've set foot in a Micky D's or Burger King since I've been here, either.

No, you are 100% not the only one!!! I can't stomach Taco Bell. It's not a treat at all for me. I love Mexican food, but that ain't Mexican food!!!

I have to say that I like McDonnalds when I'm hung over. Fries and a coke sort me right out even when nothing else will. And I like the Bean Burgers at Burger King from time to time.

I think the only reason there's not many Mexican places here is... drum roll please... there aren't many Mexicans.... Honestly I think that's the only reason....

I love curry. I think if you hate it, but you can get past the smell, you should keep trying 'cause there are SO many different kinds - from the super mild and creamy (which is what got me started, but now I don't like anymore - too rich) to stuff like chicken tikka (without the masala) which is just spiced chicken with no sauce roasted in the tandoori oven.... Honestly, I do think nearly everyone can find something to like about Indian food.

Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #34 on: July 26, 2005, 01:50:22 PM »
OK, I've decided that I'm officially never mentioning Taco Bell again!  As I can see I'm the lone lover of the "dirty" stuff.  Ah well... from reading some other posts about Mexican food, it looks like there's hope to find some decent stuff in the UK.  I'm willing to make the sacrifice for my Brit... :)

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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #35 on: July 26, 2005, 01:54:56 PM »
No, you are 100% not the only one!!! I can't stomach Taco Bell. It's not a treat at all for me. I love Mexican food, but that ain't Mexican food!!!

I have to say that I like McDonnalds when I'm hung over. Fries and a coke sort me right out even when nothing else will. And I like the Bean Burgers at Burger King from time to time.

I think the only reason there's not many Mexican places here is... drum roll please... there aren't many Mexicans.... Honestly I think that's the only reason....

I love curry. I think if you hate it, but you can get past the smell, you should keep trying 'cause there are SO many different kinds - from the super mild and creamy (which is what got me started, but now I don't like anymore - too rich) to stuff like chicken tikka (without the masala) which is just spiced chicken with no sauce roasted in the tandoori oven.... Honestly, I do think nearly everyone can find something to like about Indian food.

I knew there was a reason I liked you Anne.  I agree with everything you said!!  Can't stomach Taco Bell.  LOVE curry (thanks to you guys and Bawarchi!).. and miss having GOOD Mexican food.
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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #36 on: July 26, 2005, 02:11:59 PM »
OK, I've decided that I'm officially never mentioning Taco Bell again!  As I can see I'm the lone lover of the "dirty" stuff. 

Oh no, you are SO not alone!  I spent many an hour lamenting the absence of Taco Bell when I first moved here.  Seriously, if you go back through my first 500 posts, I'll bet I mention Taco Bell in at least a third of them!   ;) Still, the pain does pass...I'm okay now.  I'm living a full life...despite the lack of mexican pizzas and nachos bell grande!   ;D

Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #37 on: July 26, 2005, 02:13:56 PM »
I knew there was a reason I liked you Anne.  I agree with everything you said!!  Can't stomach Taco Bell.  LOVE curry (thanks to you guys and Bawarchi!).. and miss having GOOD Mexican food.


Mmmm. We haven't been to Bawarchi in months....


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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #38 on: July 26, 2005, 06:02:49 PM »
I've never tried curry, I've been curious but I have a sensitive stomach so new foods tend to scare me. I always thought they were all spicy? But from what I've read here doesn't sound that way. Hmm may have to check into that when I visit next. Quite honestly though, I have no clue what a curry even is other than Indian food? lol  ???
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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #39 on: July 26, 2005, 06:13:13 PM »
Curry is an overused term for anything spicy. Over here it's usually in reference to Indian but in reality, you get curries in lots of asian cuisine - Thai and Japanese spring to mind.

I dont' have the info at my fingertips but if I'm not mistaken, curry only technically refers to a spice mixture - hency the vast array of curries! So yes, you can have extremely mild to extremely spicy curries. Likewise, very dry curries to very wet (saucy) curries.

If you have a sensitive stomach, I'd start with the 'korma' type curries though these can be a bit heavy and filling.

And to the person who is allergic... since 'curry' refers to mixed spices, there's probably only one (or more) that are the culprit. Mustard is a good guess but it could be any number of them. But since you don't even like the smell, probably not worth figuring out what it is unless you're worried a spice might turn up in another type of cuisine (such as cumin or corriander).

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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #40 on: July 26, 2005, 06:19:57 PM »
Thanks for your help! I just typed a reply and it disappeared lol, but in summary I wondered what are people typically referring to when they talk about "curry". Is it some kind of filled pastry type food or am I way off? I have never even seen curry on a menu around here, and while I was there I avoided it, as I said I was worried about my stomach! So I really am clueless lol in more ways than one  ;D
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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #41 on: July 26, 2005, 06:23:15 PM »

Basically chunks meat and or veggies, in a spicy goo over rice and with some naan on the side
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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #42 on: July 26, 2005, 06:25:24 PM »
OK, I've decided that I'm officially never mentioning Taco Bell again!  As I can see I'm the lone lover of the "dirty" stuff.  Ah well... from reading some other posts about Mexican food, it looks like there's hope to find some decent stuff in the UK.  I'm willing to make the sacrifice for my Brit... :)

I like Taco Bell -- I know it's not 'real' Mexican food, but it's a good quick fix! ;)  (Cheap too!)  And I love curries -- especially the ones that hubby makes.  I would occasionally seek out Indian restaurants in the US so I could have curry.
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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #43 on: July 26, 2005, 06:29:37 PM »

Basically chunks meat and or veggies, in a spicy goo over rice and with some naan on the side

Thanks, by the looks of it there are really tons of different versions. Some looked almost like soup! Now I am off in search of lunch, though no curry for me... today anyways  :)
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Re: Adjusted to curries?
« Reply #44 on: July 26, 2005, 06:37:19 PM »
No 'adjusting' required!
I liked curry from the first time i tried it, back in 1985.

I also liked Taco Bell when i lived in the US, but didnt consider it 'Mexican' food.

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