Just read this whole post from beginning to end and found it very interesting, there is certainly a big divide in the drinking cultures between US & Uk. Last time i bought "liquor" ( i love that term
) in the states the store had blacked out windows and my purchase was put into a Black thick carry bag. It felt like prohibition was back!
Drinking in the UK is a very social thing, its not really about the alcohol its about going out with your friends to relax, socialise and have some fun. Yes you get people out for "A Session" as we brits like to call it but that is in no way the rule, pub culture is just that, part of our culture, it will never change as its who we are. As it happens I had "A Session" yesterday, first time in months, but does that make me an alcoholic? ofcourse not, but people who saw me yesterday would probably have thought so, its easy to jump to conclusions. Also Just because someone is a little tipsy doesnt mean they want to do you harm.
So yes im not feeling 100% today, but i am working 100% and not causing other employees to "take up the slack", i'm a resonsible person and know the results of my actions, I did discuss my antics with colleagues as its what we do, they had similar stories to tell too. I dont see it as being big, clever or something to be proud of but i had fun and had great time with some good friends of mine. I personally dont see any harm with that, if it makes me a bad person so be it!
EDIT: ****im posting this during my break by the way, before you get ideas