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Topic: What is it with drinking in the UK?  (Read 15319 times)

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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #45 on: August 01, 2005, 12:43:22 PM »
I love drinking and all, but people moving over might be alarmed to see just how much a part of UK culture drinking is. I mean, literally, whenever there's a social event, people get drunk, no exceptions! That includes christenings and funerals. And alot of men go to the pub every single night and get drunk. My fiance says life here would be boring without it, lol. Personally, I don't mind the habit of getting pished every weekend and it's good for a laugh -- but then again, I'm in my early 20's and that seems normal to me. I'm not sure I want to continue this pattern for the rest of my life, even though it's expected here.

I mean, even today, I saw a guy get on the bus with a can of Miller and he was drinking it, obviously already drunk, and this was 8:30 in the morning. Something you'd NEVER see on a regular basis in America, but you get very used to it here.

I also don't especially like the amount of underage drinking, and it's pretty shocking... I mean kids everywhere as young as 12 and 13 are getting wasted. They really can't handle it either, which is why there's so much destruction and graffiti and shouting at night. It's pretty out of control. I just look at them and think how brain damaged they all must be and wonder why their parents don't care. It's good that people love to have a laugh, but the heavy reliance on booze here is something I'm taking in consideration before deciding to raise kids here, in a place where getting blind drunk is regarded an such important part of life.
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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #46 on: August 01, 2005, 12:47:38 PM »
I mean, even today, I saw a guy get on the bus with a can of Miller and he was drinking it, obviously already drunk, and this was 8:30 in the morning. Something you'd NEVER see on a regular basis in America, but you get very used to it here.

You wouldn't see it because there are open container laws in the US.  Anyone drinking a can of beer on public transport could be fined or even arrested.  Even opening up a bottle or can on the premises of the 7-Eleven you just bought it out of is illegal.

Personally, I can't remember the last time I saw a guy at 8.30 in the morning with a can of beer.  But maybe it's down to where you live as well...
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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #47 on: August 01, 2005, 12:50:08 PM »
You wouldn't see it because there are open container laws in the US.  Anyone drinking a can of beer on public transport could be fined or even arrested.  Even opening up a bottle or can on the premises of the 7-Eleven you just bought it out of is illegal.

Personally, I can't remember the last time I saw a guy at 8.30 in the morning with a can of beer.  But maybe it's down to where you live as well...

Well, I live in the city, where you see alot of strange things. I'm sure you wouldn't see it in a small town or something, although that's not guaranteed. But my point was that drinking is a huge part of life here.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2005, 12:52:27 PM by Honeybee »
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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #48 on: August 01, 2005, 12:53:14 PM »
I passed queues of people waiting for the liquor store to open at 10AM in Denver every day.     My American high school was loaded with binge drinkers, especially b/c it was in a wealthy area of town and the kids had more disposable income.  A lot of people I went to uni with had serious alcohol problems already, particulary my sister's sorority and fraternity friends.  

The only difference I've noticed is that here people are more open about drinking, whereas in the States it was something people hid, but did anyway in the same proportions.

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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #49 on: August 01, 2005, 12:56:30 PM »
But life isn't as revolved around drinking in the US. Here, it's all about when you're getting your next drink and people are in pubs all during the day. It's one of the only main outlets the majority of people here have. There definitely is undeniably MUCH more of a drinking culture here.
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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #50 on: August 01, 2005, 12:58:13 PM »
I remember "fishermen" getting angry with me because I couldn't sell them alcohol before 7am when I worked at 7-Eleven.  Or the people coming in at 2.30 am getting mad because the coolers were locked.  There were only 5 hours out of 24 that one could not buy alcohol - yet I never had one night go by without at least one person trying to get me to sell it to them out of hours.

I agree with Expat - it's simply more open here than in the US.  Come to think of it, a lot of things are more open here than in the US.  I don't think "drinking" per se is a big part of life - it's just not something people hide or skulk around about or deny.  Personally, I prefer that I can go the pub every night if I want to and have a pint or two and it's okay - rather than feel that I have to "save up" my drinking for the weekend and then get so blotto I can't remember if I had fun or not...which is how the people I knew in the US approached drinking.

And Expat - I tried drinking wine whilst watching the footie once and it just wasn't right... ;)
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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #51 on: August 01, 2005, 01:03:52 PM »
Yes but you can't deny that life here really does revolve around getting drunk at every possible social situation, which can't exactly be good for your brain cells or liver in the long term. And the people who drink heavily in the US have a "drinking problem" or are alcoholics, as both of you have called it -- whereas here pretty much everyone drinks heavily enough to be considered those things, but it's normal and actually expected ... in fact, the more you drink, the more respected you are in many circles. That's just the primary way people here relax. It's just a difference in culture. Not saying it's bad, just an observation.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2005, 01:22:26 PM by Honeybee »
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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2005, 01:27:56 PM »
Yes but you can't deny that life here really does revolve around getting drunk at every possible social situation, which can't exactly be good for your brain cells or liver in the long term. That's just the primary way people here relax. It's just a difference in culture. Not saying it's bad, just an observation.
This is one subject I have to have my say.  The pub culture here seems to be the major way people entertain and relax themselves. I have two pubs near my flat. One beside it and the other across the street. I get tire of drunks weeing on the buildings or the local beer garden fence. The yelling at 3AM in the morning or the fights. We have had the police sirens and lights blaring at all hours of the night. There has been a rape that occurred across the street. We have seen drunks trying to break down the pub doors...all because they want a drink. They are angry the pub closed at 10/11PM. Or some one took their girlfriend home for the night. We have had people having sex ...in whats left of this beer garden. We can see everything from bedroom windows. I have a husband who drinks ale and scotch whiskey every weekend. He doesn't know when to quit or why he should slow down on his drinking. He had his first drink at 14 in a pub. His uncle bought him his first drink. Their is a photo of this occasion on his Dads fireplace mantle. Husband's Dad goes to the local club/pub every night..to get a pint. Yes..I get rather angry at this openness of pub culture. I wasn't brought of with this type drinking society culture. In the USA there were lots of other things to do for nightly entertainment or weekend fun. We might have gone out for a occasion night time meal with a glass of wine. I have moved here and had this pub culture thrown in my face. I do not like it..but if thats how people choose to entertainment themselves...its no skin off my nose. But just wish I didn't have to have this in my face 24/7..I really get tire of it. Plus I do not agree with the age they start drinking over here ....to young!! There are loads of binge drinkers or downright alcoholics. 
Excuse my anger ....I am married to an binge drinker. He will not admit it. But our bank accounts shows the effects of his drinking. I know there are many other families out there who experience this type problem. Whether here in England or in the USA...it is a big problem.
There I have had my say. Now to go back to being calm and collected!

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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #53 on: August 01, 2005, 01:29:33 PM »
Graffiti , disorderly behaviour among the young is quite common in the states as well ..it's more to do with rebelling against the adult establishment than primarily due to alcohol...I saw kids as young as 12 going into ER in the states because of drugs , alcohol and A LOT more due to Gun assaults.

I also see the man or woman completed pissed on scrumpy jack or white lightning on the bus or tube to work around 9am-10am but I also see it's not exactly accepted by other commuters as well. You'll find that it's not accepted etiquette here either ..it's just not against the law that's all.

The UK yobo pub drinker to me does not look any different to the frat boy  college drinker wreck my dorm room every weekend getting sh*tfaced or the military guy that has weekend leave :-\\\\
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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #54 on: August 01, 2005, 01:30:35 PM »
Binge drinking is DEFINITELY a major problem here and it is EVERYWHERE, not just a select few. There is absolutely no doubt about that.
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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #55 on: August 01, 2005, 01:34:43 PM »
Graffiti , disorderly behaviour among the young is quite common in the states as well ..it's more to do with rebelling against the adult establishment than primarily due to alcohol...I saw kids as young as 12 going into ER in the states because of drugs , alcohol and A LOT more due to Gun assaults.


The UK yobo pub drinker to me does not look any different to the frat boy  college drinker wreck my dorm room every weekend getting sh*tfaced or the military guy that has weekend leave :-\\\\

I know, it's in the US as well... but it's not nearly as widespread. You don't really see it outside of the cities as much. Where I came from in the US I never experienced any of it to this degree, and I've moved a ton of times. My fiance and I dont feel safe leaving the house after a certain hour for fear we'll get attacked by a group of drunken yobs high on drugs... and they will literally kill you. It really is a problem that is out of control.  :-\\\\
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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #56 on: August 01, 2005, 01:39:26 PM »
hmm...they are busy shooting each other instead of drinking or abusing other things like narcotics or sniffing glue....

this occurs outside the big cities as well.

I myself wish the drinking culture was more Mediterranean than the binge drinking that occurs within the UK..perhaps with the change is the drinking hours ...who knows.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2005, 01:43:47 PM by Alicia »
But never fear, gentlemen; castration was really not the point of feminism, and we women are too busy eviscerating one another to take you on.

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Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #57 on: August 01, 2005, 01:42:58 PM »
Yes but you can't deny that life here really does revolve around getting drunk at every possible social situation, which can't exactly be good for your brain cells or liver in the long term. And the people who drink heavily in the US have a "drinking problem" or are alcoholics, as both of you have called it -- whereas here pretty much everyone drinks heavily enough to be considered those things, but it's normal and actually expected ... in fact, the more you drink, the more respected you are in many circles. That's just the primary way people here relax. It's just a difference in culture. Not saying it's bad, just an observation.

Well, I live here and my husband lives here and our friends and family and co-workers live here and in all those people, NONE of them live to get drunk at every possible occasion or function.  So maybe that's why I don't see it quite so black and white as you do.  Because that's not been MY personal experience living and working here.  In fact, in my office of 30 people, I can count on one hand how many actually do drink at all.

And I live down the street from just one pub - but we don't have any problems with people being terribly loud or obnoxious or rude or what have you at chucking out time.  It's very much a friendly, local, family-oriented pub, though, and that might be the difference.  It's not on the High Street like the ones Bluerose wrote about - it's a local in a highly residential area.

I agree with Alicia about the "acceptance" factor.  There's a difference between bad behaviour and illegal behaviour.  Drinking early and in the open in the UK is bad behaviour - in the US it's illegal behaviour.
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

- Benjamin Franklin

Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #58 on: August 01, 2005, 01:59:08 PM »
But life isn't as revolved around drinking in the US. Here, it's all about when you're getting your next drink and people are in pubs all during the day. It's one of the only main outlets the majority of people here have. There definitely is undeniably MUCH more of a drinking culture here.

That depends ENTIRELY on whom you hang out with.  I drank too much in the US - WAY more than here.  All my friends were professionals who lived by the motto 'Work hard, play hard.'  And the climbing community, of which a lot of my friends were a part, well, they don't call it 'courage in a bottle' for nothing.  Many also climbed whilst stoned or on magic mushrooms.  And these were doctors, engineers, a lot of scientific types in particular. 

I actually drink far less here. 

Not to mention, the booze was cheaper in the US.

My fiance and I dont feel safe leaving the house after a certain hour for fear we'll get attacked by a group of drunken yobs high on drugs... and they will literally kill you. It really is a problem that is out of control.  :-\\\\

My god, where are you living and whom are you hanging out with? 

I think your experiece is a function of your surroundings.

We live in an area of trendy bars and pubs.  Never had a bother at all around here.  We once lived in one of the roughest, most deprived estates in town.  Never had a bother. 
« Last Edit: August 01, 2005, 02:07:56 PM by expat_in_scotland »

Re: What is it with drinking in the UK?
« Reply #59 on: August 01, 2005, 02:04:01 PM »
"And I live down the street from just one pub - but we don't have any problems with people being terribly loud or obnoxious or rude or what have you at chucking out time.  It's very much a friendly, local, family-oriented pub, though, and that might be the difference.  It's not on the High Street like the ones Bluerose wrote about - it's a local in a highly residential area".
Peedal...you know where I live and what the atmosphere is like around this area. You know the two pubs I have told about and I know the pub near your home. It is in a highly residential area with good food. I have been in it. But my husband has told me of a time when that pub was owned by some savory characters. Some pubs here seem to change hands often. Wish the one across the street from me would change owners. It has some shady characters coming and going presently.
I can see your point of view..while I may not totally agree with you...I do respect your views. You have been on both sides of the ocean and know a bit more then I do about the USA/UK pub cultures. The only thing I do know is my husband is a binge drinker. He is 50 years old and is probably lucky to have lived this long without liver problems on the NHS. Since he started drinking and smoking at 14.  He says he has never tried drugs...so thankful for that.  

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