Just what makes the Happiness Factor?
An informal poll.
Thought struck me that this site seems to have US members who are either happy to be here in the UK or can't wait to leave. And I wondered if distance from London may play a part. I also wondered if it gets better the longer we're here. What helps in settling people here? What attitude? How long does it take?
If you'll indulge my curious nature, perhaps we can answer a few questions to maybe suss out why we feel the way we do and identify any contributing factors...(sorry, but since it's a question of an American citizen being happy living here in the UK, I'm afraid the questions won't make sense for non Americans and/or those still in the US)
First, the big question...
1. Are you happy in the UK?
a) I love it here! The best thing I ever did!
b) Most days are really good. There are moments, but none I can't overcome.
c) It's alright. I can take it or leave it.
d) It's been really hard to make the adjustment. Most times I just want to give up and go back home
e) I hate it. Get me on the next boat back.
2. Where in the UK do you live?
a) In the heart of London. I can practically see Big Ben from my window.
b) In a London suburb. I can take the tube to get into the city, on a good day taking less than a half hour to travel the distance
c) In the commuter belt. I can take a train into the city without having to transfer. It takes me less than an hour.
d) In the countryside and a bit too far to travel into London on a daily basis. It might take me two hours to drive there.
e) Too far from London to even consider going there for just a day. I'd have to plan to stay overnight.
3. What (approximate) area of the UK do you live in?
a) London area
b) South of London
c) East of London
d) North of London
e) West of London
f) Wales
g) Scotland
h) Northern Ireland
4. Are there other Americans living near you that you see from time to time?
a) yes, quite a few, actually
b) I know one or two and I'm sure there are others because I overhear accents and I know they aren't tourists
c) Not a soul. I'm the area's "token" American
5. Do you have a job, or are you volunteering with local charities?
a) Have had the same job for years and love it
b) Stuck in the job and hate it, but have no place else to go
c) It's okay as jobs go.
d) Not worked here long enough to figure out if I like it or not
e) I've been trying to find a job but nothing suits, or no one is hiring me
f) I'm too busy to work fulltime, so I volunteer as much as I can
g) I've been volunteering to do things until I can find a paying job
h) I plan to work when my circumstances change (children go off to school, etc.)
i) other (please explain)
6. How often do you come to web sites like UK Yankee?
a) a couple times a year, or even less
b) once (or a few times) a month
c) once (or a few times) a week
d) once a day
e) several times a day
f) I just found this site so I don't know yet
7. Do you get together with people from web sites like UK Yankee?
a) a couple times a year, or even less
b) once (or a few times) a month
c) once (or up to several times) a week
d) I just found this site so I don't know yet
e) have never met anyone from these web sites
8. Have you ever lived outside the US before coming here?
a) yes
i) as a child with my family
ii) as an adult, either on my own (ie work or student) or with a spouse
b) no
9. How old were you when you moved here (this time, if it's been more than once)?
a) younger than 18
b) late teens, up to age 23
c) 24-30
d) 31-40
e) 41-50
f) 51-60
g) 61 plus
10. If you came to the UK solely for the purpose of living with your British partner, have you been married (or had a long-term living-together relationship) before?
a) yes, with one
b) yes, with two
c) yes, with more than two
d) no
11. If partnered with a Brit, describe your offspring situation answer as many as apply
a) my partner and I have (or are currently expecting) a child or children together
b) my partner has a child or children from a previous relationship
i) at least one is living with us
ii) none are living with us
c) I have a child or children from a previous relationship
i) at least one is living with us
ii) none are living with us
d) No children yet, but perhaps in a few years
e) No children, nor any plans for any
12. If partnered with a Brit, do you get along with your partner's family?
a) Yes, they are fabulous!
b) They are very supportive and we're good friends
c) We are friendly with and civil to each other, but there's no real closeness
d) They aren't very supportive, but we tend to bite our tongues
e) We don't get along at all
13. How close do you consider your own family ties?
a) leaving them was the hardest thing I ever did; it was the biggest change I made, not seeing them all the time
b) we're an emotionally close family, but we never did see each other all the time either, so staying in touch isn't all that different now
c) we were never all that close, so it wasn't really a factor
d) "family ties" is not an issue to me
14. How long have you lived here?
a) Just moved here...first month
b) 1-3 months
c) 4-6 months
d) 7-12 months
e) 1-2 years
f) 3-5 years
g) 6-10 years
h) 11-30 years
i) 31 plus years
15. Have you, or do you plan to, apply for dual citizenship?
a) yes, definitely
b) still thinking about it, but probably
c) one day I want to, the next day I don't. Not sure.
d) I sort of feel it would be almost slap on the face to my family, so I'm not so sure
e) never, would never consider it
16. Are you in the process of, or are you planning to, do the paperwork to return to the US?
a) yes
i) I hate it here and my partner has agreed to try the change
ii) It was never permanent...studies or employment brought me here temporarily
iii) just for a change of pace, another life adventure
b) no
i) I'm really happy here and have no plans to return to the US
ii) I'm settled here and it would be too tiring to go through all that paperwork again
iii) I'd love to go back but my partner refuses
17. What do you think about the food here?
a) British food is the best I've ever had....love it!
b) I'm always up to try something new, and British food is fine
c) It's taken me a while to get used to it, but I manage
d) I avoid it as much as I can, but there are bits that might be better than US foods, so all is not lost
e) I just hate it.
18. Groceries... choose all that apply
a) You stock up on American food when you visit the US (or buy from UK online shops)
i) in the extreme
ii) it's a ritual but not obsessive
iii) sometimes a couple of favorites
b) You get care packages from your family in the US
i) in the extreme
ii) it's a "holiday" package, usually
iii) sometimes I get a couple of favorites for fun
c) You find the grocery selection here enough to satisfy
i) Products here fill most my needs and I hardly pine for American favorites
ii) I wish a number of American products were available here, but I can get by on what few items I get from the US to compensate.
iii) I hate grocery shopping here and only do it to survive
19. TV habits
a) I love the British shows, better than the US ones
b) I'm a real sucker for certain US shows and am really glad they show them here. I only fill in my spare TV-watching time with British shows, which I could take or leave
c) I don't like the TV offering here and do what I can just to watch American TV (like cable or satellite)
d) I don't watch TV, neither really matters
20. Male or female?
a) Female
b) Male
21. How often do you go back to the US?
a) more than 6 times a year
b) 3-6 times a year
c) 1-2 times a year
d) once every two years
e) once every 3-5 years
f) once a decade
g) haven't been back at all since I've moved here
22. If you haven't lived here that long to really judge how often, please answer question 21 on how many visits you're PLANNING to take back to the US.
And now for the completely scientific portion of this quiz...
What sign are you?
P.S. Feel free to add your own questions, or explain your answers if an option given doesn't quite fit your story.