Wow, B.H & O.T that is exactly the kind of info I was looking for- thank you so much.
These are the tests I took and it includes a 30 min consultation with their nutritionist - I just want to wait until I have more questions to ask. 142 foodscan) after some slight reaction to some tests with a nutritionist. They (Yorktest) advise you on three sections "avoid", "rotate" and "go ahead" with the foods and advise trying to cut them out as much as possible.
In my heart of hearts, I suspect gluten/yeast/egg whites the most as when I try to cut back and eat less, I tend to over rely on say, wholegrain bread, bowl of cereal and do not have a lot of variety. Even when I eat miniscule amounts of these kinds of foods, I fail to lose weight/stop feeling bloated and suffer from increased severe headaches/migraines.
I am not fond of milk itself and can live without cheese (I only tried goats cheese for the first time this year and really enjoyed it, so that's a change I feel I could make) and I don't drink any alcohol at all anymore (the headaches and fuzzy heads haven't been worth it for a long long time for me!) and I don't drink coffee/tea- but I have had more diet coke than I should recently.
I just love my sandwiches or granary bread with a little cheese and tomatoes and I can't bear the thought of not having nice bread again, so alternatives will be a must, but I totally agree with what you both pointed out about reacting to some things more than others. As I am going back to the US Irish Soda bread/Lactaid/Spelt suggestions are incredibly helpful.
The scores for antibodies/immune response is 1-4 (-/+) and I scored 1+ on each item mentioned, so I am at the low end of the scale for now. I believe I have enough of a reaction (and issues like almost passing out like a narcoleptic (sp) after eating some foods (but the reaction is never consistent when I have tried elimination diets myself) to attempt to make the changes with small amounts of the items but not yet at the stage where I have to follow a very restrictive diet- although I think if I carried on like this, I would end up that way.
Thanks again, you've been really helpful.