I made an appointment for August 17 on-line when I filed my student visa application. I didn't get a letter from my nephew in time, so I changed the appointment on-line to August 25. The site said my appointment was now 10 a.m. on August 25. I copied the page and parked it in my documents folder.
The next day, I got a second e-mail from the Consulate saying my appointment was August 17. Still, not to worry because I had the confirmation page. I even went back into the site and tried to change the appointment again just to see what the site would say. The site said that my appointment was for 10 a.m. August 25.
I printed out my application, the payment confirmation, and the appointment e-mail instead of the copy of the page saying my appointment was 8/25. The guard said my appointment was for August 18 (WTF?) and wouldn't let me in. Of course, there is no way to talk to anyone in the Consulate. The guard gave me the info line phone number and the web site. Fat lot of good that would do! I already know what to do and I did it. If there's a screw-up, you are screwed.
After a major meltdown, I went to an Internet Cafe and tried to print the copy of the 8/25 confirmation that I had saved and ever so smartly emailed to myself just in case I needed to access it. I have an iBook. The word processing package is ClarisWorks, I think. Whatever, the document is in code, and the cafe can't translate it into Word or WordPerfect. Even tried at Kinko's.
So now I'm killing time in the Internet Cafe. I'm waiting for 3 o'clock to go back to the visa facilitator and, I hope, pick up my passport with the student visa in it. I've changed my flight to Edinburgh to Sunday. I'll be the one kissing the ground at Turnhouse Airport on Monday afternoon, if nothing else screws up, that is.
I'll be going back to Boston tonight. When I get in, I'll post again to let y'all know how this day turns out.