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Topic: Incorrect name on ILR papers  (Read 1994 times)

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Incorrect name on ILR papers
« on: August 30, 2005, 03:48:59 PM »
Well the big news is my sons finally got their new US passports despite on ongoing feud with the exhusbeast so all is well but recently I was looking through all our immigration paperwork and I noticed on our ILR papers one has my name and vignette number and the other two have my eldest sons name on them with two different vignette numbers. They should have put my other sons name on it. Could this turn into a problem?

Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2005, 04:07:35 PM »
Could this turn into a problem?

Pebbles, it is not "could turn into a problem", it is a problem full stop.  And it's a serious one.  You'll need to go back to IND and sort it right now.  It's not the sort of thing to be laid back about, because it needs to be fixed.  Sorry to sound alarmist about it, but hope you catch my drift nonetheless. 

Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2005, 04:09:40 PM »
Pebbles, it is not "could turn into a problem", it is a problem full stop.  And it's a serious one.  You'll need to go back to IND and sort it right now.  It's not the sort of thing to be laid back about, because it needs to be fixed.  Sorry to sound alarmist about it, but hope you catch my drift nonetheless. 
OK. Im going to call them right now. I only just noticed when I was putting the kids new passports with their immigration paperwork..

Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2005, 05:31:02 PM »
OK. Im going to call them right now. I only just noticed when I was putting the kids new passports with their immigration paperwork..

tip:  if you get a complacent guvvie who says not to worry about it, ask to speak to someone else!   ;)  ::)

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Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2005, 05:45:35 PM »
"We're the government.  We don't make mistakes.  We just create opportunities for amendments."   ::)
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Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2005, 09:59:36 AM »
"We're the government. We don't make mistakes. We just create opportunities for amendments." ::)
hee hee hee   ;)

Well I spoke to the Home Office this morning. Garry you were right. I got a "complacent guvvie" who told me as long as the passports had the correct ILR stamps I don't have to worry but he said if I'm overly concerned I can send the paperwork back along with a cover letter and it will be corrected. He said he cant guarantee when I will get the papers back though.  :-\\\\

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Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2005, 10:06:18 AM »
He said he cant guarantee when I will get the papers back though.

Ah..... That other wonderful piece of bureaucratic hypocrisy.

You are required to return form ABC1234/XYZ within 14 days or we will arrange for you to spend time in the Tower of London.

Upon receipt of the form we will return the appropriate documents to you in due course.   

What does "due course" mean?

Usually within 6 months.    :-\\\\
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Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2005, 10:17:44 AM »
Ah..... That other wonderful piece of bureaucratic hypocrisy.

You are required to return form ABC1234/XYZ within 14 days or we will arrange for you to spend time in the Tower of London.

Hey! Let's not lose our heads! [smiley=behead.gif]
Oh, well the change of scenery will do me good!

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Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2005, 10:21:16 AM »
If you can, Pebbles, I'd bet a few of us would love to hear how you were able to get new passports for the boys.  I've been following your story and would love to know how you got around the evil ex-husbeast.
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Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2005, 10:36:49 AM »
If you can, Pebbles, I'd bet a few of us would love to hear how you were able to get new passports for the boys. I've been following your story and would love to know how you got around the evil ex-husbeast.
Cait, it's such a long story. I think you know most of it. Well we are going to court in January. I have been held in contempt of court for not bringing the kids back to the US as you know....idiot wouldnt sign for the passports. So I have to go face that as well as a modification trial. We both have lawyers and have been fighting back and forth for about a year. It has gotten pretty messy. He was holding out on the passports to try to get what he wants from me which is having our divorce decree "mirrored" into the UK court system. Well there was no way that was going to happen as I was totally screwed over in the divorce as I didnt have legal representation. Anyway he said when I agreed to have the decree "mirrored" he would sign for the passports. I dont see how he could use the boys passports as a bargaining chip but he certainly tried. I told him I would get their passports even if I had to get a court order. Finally in July he signed. Im guessing his lawyer had no idea he wasnt signing for the passports otherwise the contempt of court wouldnt have ever been served. So I got the passports just a few weeks ago and now Im willing to bet he is going to request them at Xmas which is fine if he pays for their airfare because I cant. And since I cant he will TRY to hold me in contempt of court AGAIN. I can bet my bottom dollar on this! I just want to say I am NOT keeping the boys from him. I cant afford plane fare for them and he wont help but I said I would bring him here and put him in a hotel with the boys all at my expense but he wont do it. Such a long, stupid story. So we are going to court in Jan. I am trying to get sole custody as well as half his military pension which by federal law Im entitled to. The entire thing is so stupid. If he werent such a beast then we woudnt have to go through all of this. All the lawyers fees have cost me over $5000 so far and we havent even stepped foot in a courtroom yet! In a nutshell he doesnt care about the kids at all. If he did he would take me up on my offer to pay for his travel expenses here. He is totally irked I have gotten on with my life and his life is still the same. He never wanted a divorce in the first place. He filed for divorce just before our 10th anniversary so I couldnt get any of his military pension if we ended up splitting up at a later date. This is a sick mind! Anyway, our divorce wasnt final till our 10.5 year anniversary so I am entitled to his pension. I dont really care about it but he is making my life so miserable I just want it so I can have it. I dont care what happens to that money if I get it. I can invest it or spend it all on chocolate. Who cares! Hope this makes sense. Im typing and yelling at the Jack at the same time. ;D

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Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2005, 10:44:45 AM »
Yuck!  What a horrible situation, but I'm glad your boys have their passports now.  Was hoping to hear that a judge had whacked him with a contempt order for being so ... well ... contemptible and not signing for the passports ages ago!
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Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2005, 10:49:41 AM »
Yuck!  What a horrible situation, but I'm glad your boys have their passports now.  Was hoping to hear that a judge had whacked him with a contempt order for being so ... well ... contemptible and not signing for the passports ages ago!
Well, I'm still hoping this won't go to court at all but since we are both stubborn and won't agree to anything then we have no choice.
I am really scared to tell you the truth. I have to go and face him in court all by myself. It will be him and his entire family. He will probably show up in his military uniform looking all "American" and there is me, fresh off the plane from my new home, family and life in the UK. I hope I don't have any trace of a Brit accent! We are going to court in a very small town in Iowa.  Where everyone is a "good ole boy".

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Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2005, 10:55:15 AM »
I'm sure you'll do just fine.  Besides, I bet all the ladies here will be sending him heebee-jeebee vibes and hoping he gets what he so richly deserves (a kick up the ars* springs to mind).
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Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2005, 10:56:23 AM »
I'm sure you'll do just fine.  Besides, I bet all the ladies here will be sending him heebee-jeebee vibes and hoping he gets what he so richly deserves (a kick up the ars* springs to mind).
Thanks! I was thinking actually about sending everyone a voodoo doll for the occasion!  [smiley=mad.gif]

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Re: Incorrect name on ILR papers
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2005, 10:58:01 AM »
When I had to renew my girls passports a couple of years ago I went to London and did them..just told the lady I didn't know where he was..but I think things have changed now..this was pre9/11. I have sole custody of them anyways...The next time Cassie's need to be renewed she will have to come as well as she will be over 16. I think maybe Caitie will be too......GOD the expense of it all!!!

I was lucky I did my divorce myself...went to a notarary..paid $25.00 for her to fill the forms in (like it was hard) she had a legal document on her puter..just had to fill in the missing blanks. Took it to the court house and paid my $75.00 and bingo 3 months later was Ms Hollis again! I took back my maiden name....and the angels or God must have been smiling on me the day we filled in the paper work..cause it defaulted to me having sole custody of the girls...LOL

Pebs...good luck girlfriend...I have a rotten bastard for a ex as well.......I have learned just not to be scared of him..

I am fixing to blast mine...after the things Caitie has told me happened to her while living with him and his new "wife" I am gonna kill 'im!!!! His new "wife" choked her for continuously letting (not in the same go) the kitchen cabinet doors slam.
Not on purpose mind you..just normal closing of the cabinets..but she had/has post natel depression. She had a new baby 2 days before Caitie arrived!..I'll give her post natel depression...she EVER touches my daughter again...
(ok ok calm down)....ooohhh  to stuff I could rant about..that is slowly coming out.........

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