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Topic: UK Property Tax  (Read 1003 times)

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UK Property Tax
« on: August 30, 2005, 07:30:37 PM »
I am British bye birth and became a naturlized US citizen.  My parents both passed away a year ago, at home.  I now own that property.  I let it out as a rental last September.  I filed some form, which enables the tenants not to have to take taxes out of the rent.  I filed that myself on-line through the Inland Rev.  I had a letter from them stating I would be assested taxes.  What I need to know is:  From what year to what year they asses the taxes.  I have kept a large amount of receipt for repairs, etc.  I have to go home in Nov, to see about a grant also.  I know that is tax deductable.  Where do I get the forms to file with???.  Am I eligible for the disability credit with this tax, or can only claim that if I am residing at home.  Thank you.Sorry, spelt naturalized incorrectly.

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