When making arrangements to start paying back student loans, you have to tell them your income and in some cases, repayment amounts are related to that income, yes? Do you have to use some official exchange rate to calculate your income? I'm worried about that as I'll be making in the low £20K's when repayment starts, which in US terms is nearly double. But to even think that $40K is equal to £20K is absurd and I don't want my repayment to be based on $40K. What's the solution to that? Or is there one?
When you go into repayment (assuming you have not opted to go with a private consolodation network, and are working with the Feds) you will get 4-5 options on HOW you wish to pay. I am on the graduated plan. This means that my income doesn't matter, per se. They make the assumption that my earnings will increase every couple of years, so my payments increase every two years.
I owe $40,000 (a couple of degrees, overseas courses...). My first two years payments are $180/month. I pay them $200-250 to get it down faster. The second two years, payments are $225/month, my LAST two years will be $450? I think. Anyhow, the payments are very low this way, and I am able to pay more than the minimum, which means I will get paid off sooner.
Check out all of the payment options here: