Scrapple (Yummmmmmm) ok, best way to describe it:
Scrapple is a combination of pork parts, seasonings and fillers... it is shaped like a loaf... and its texture I guess could be described as a cross between a meatloaf and a pate...
you slice it... thick or thin, which ever your preference... and you pan fry it using your choice of lard, oil, shortening or butter I guess... I normally fry it with a pam spray... and now with coconut oil... anyway... you want the outsides to cook nice and crispy, while leaving the center just right... not crisped...and not to lose... but some prefer it burnt up or soupy (Yuk)
It goes great with eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, pancakes, ketchup... I have fried it up before and blended it in with grits... mmmmmm.... you name it... it goes with it... make a sandwich with it... eat it like a piece of burnt toast, or soft like oatmeal... which ever is your preference...