I'm enjoying my History masters program, but I'm drowning in the workload (so why am I here posting?
I have something due every day next week, and if I get off schedule they are all going to fall like dominoes. I have a paper that I'm still working on from last week, and I have to decide how hard to try to finish it and how much I need to get on with other things and beg for more time on the paper.
I've found I write well, but SLOW. It takes at least twice as long as I think to do anything. I am going to try to convince the instructors that my work will be worth the wait.
My next big task is coming up with what I want to do for a PhD project. I have to nail it down before too long, because funding deadlines will come up. This is a scary task, because I'll be locking myself into something. I have too many things I'm interested in and I hate feeling like I'm cutting off possibilities. But its a step I have to take.